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Christmas Day is here, and my heart is pumping with excitement. The guys and Georgia will be here any minute to celebrate with us.

Usually Sav and I exchange gifts privately but he specifically requested we wait for everyone to be here. I'm anxious he went too overboard and my little picture frame won't compare but I also know he'd be happy with a pair of socks as long as they came from me.

Our parents are celebrating with friends and other family members this year, so they sent us their gifts early. Not that I mind, it's still hard to navigate holidays with divorced parents. Sav's parents are together so I've always just felt that my parental situation added stress to my favorite time of year. It's a nice little break from all the chaos this year. I pause from my thoughts when I think I hear a door slam outside.

Sure enough, the doorbell started ringing and the four bandmates and Georgia piled in holding their gifts.

"Happy Christmas!" Joe exclaims in a sing-song voice with his arms up in the air as he comes through the door.

After a series of hugs and Merry Christmases we all pile into the dining room to eat. Phil and Rick don't eat meat so I had to take that into consideration when ordering everything. We ordered a Christmas dinner meal from a local restaurant to save us some trouble, but I still baked a bunch of gingerbread cookies for a homemade touch. Everyone loves cookies.

"This is delicious." Rick says, taking a bite of the potatoes.

"That turkey is amazing." Steve says, holding his fork out.

I smile as I watch everyone talk amongst themselves. The little moments are the ones I appreciate the most.

After a delicious dinner, we all gather in the living room to do presents. We've passed through almost everyone, so the living room is covered in wrapping paper and gifts.

Grasping onto my hot chocolate, I watch as Sav opens his gift from Rick. It's a new black satin jacket with gold details on it. It's stunning.

"I love it, thanks man. Maybe I can wear it on the next tour." Sav says, patting him on the shoulder and Rick nods.

Next, Steve gifts Georgia a silver watch with diamonds encrusted all around it, to which she squeals in excitement. Can't say I blame her, though. It's a beautiful piece of jewelry. It probably cost as much as my car payment.

"Oh, I love it!" Georgia says, giving Steve a hug and kiss. He takes it out of the box and snaps it on her arm.

"Alright, we've saved the best for last." Joe nods towards Sav and I.

"You go first."

I hand him the box with the picture frame in it and he opens it, immediately making my eyes water. He looks down at it and back up at me like he's going to cry too. He picks it up out of the box and shows it to everyone else, to which there's a series of "Aw" and "how cute" around the room.

"I love it, thank you." He says, kissing me and putting a hand on my stomach quickly. "Now it's your turn." He smiles, handing me a bag with a paper-sized envelope inside.

Inside of the envelope is a series of handwritten lyrics to a song called "Hysteria." It's definitely Sav's handwriting with a few notes from the other guys here and there. I smile as I read the lyrics out loud:

"Oh, I get hysterical, hysteria
When you get that feelin', do you believe it?
It's such a magical mysteria
When you get that feelin', better start believin
'Cause it's a miracle, I see you will, ooh babe
Hysteria when you're near."

"It's going to be the title of our next album." Sav beams. "I wrote this song just for you." He says, putting his hand on my knee and squeezing it.

At this point, I have to put down the folder so I don't get tears on it. I wipe my eyes and smile at them all. "I love it so much. I love all of you."

"We love you too." Everyone says.


"So you guys have already started writing the next album? You just got home from touring." I ask Sav as we're putting away the dishes.

He looks up at me and nods as he hands me the drying cloth. "We haven't made much progress on it yet. We're thinking we're going to have to find some inspiration somewhere. Mine was you, but the guys are drawing blanks."

"I'm sure it will turn out fine. I mean look how Pyromania turned out. The first tour where you've sold out multiple shows." I assured him.

"You're probably right, you always are." He says, pulling me in and kissing my forehead. I can tell he's still deep in thought about it, though.

I have no doubt in my mind that the next album will be one of their best. They seem to be getting bigger and better with every one. I'm not sure if I'm prepared for all that, but it's already been such a wild ride so far. The boys will make me proud in one way or another. They always do.

Another holiday gone in the blink of an eye, just like that.

A/N: Somehow I completely forgot that most of the band doesn't eat meat, lol, I'm sorry about that! I guess that's why I should write at a normal time instead of the middle of the night... i tried to remember in this chapter. Thank you for all the support! Now onto Operation Baby Savage Watch.... 👀

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