Clearing everything

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Ro and vi stared at each other remembering that day.
"It's good to see that you two have realized your mistake." Mahi said. "I think what you two need is to talk to each other and clear everything. Talking helps." He said and got up and went out closing the door before ro or virat could say anything.

Ro and vi again stared at each other both having no idea what to say. Finally after a few minutes ro took a deep breath and said "virat i am sorry i shouldn't have blamed you like that. It was not only one person's fault, it was everyone's."
Vi looked at ro for a moment before he hugged him tightly.
"I am also sorry, i shouldn't have balmed you for that run out because basically it started the fight."
"No it was completely my fault." Ro said still hugging him.
"No it was mine." Vi said.
"No, mine"
"No, mine."
"Okay enough." Ro said breaking the hug, "you realize the last time we fell into the big fight was like this only, but the only difference was that at that time we wanted to blame each other and now we want to take the blame. We have to stop or something wrong would happen again."
"This time nothing big would happen and i promise that." Vi said quickly. "You know the time we were not talking was one of the worst time ever in my life? It felt so bad and lonely. We were there, so near and everytime I saw you i just wished i could hug you, but i just couldn't be that brave."

Ro hugged vi once again and said "it was lonely and terrible for me also. The wins didn't even give any happiness and the loss also didn't matter, didn't really hurt because i was already being hurt by not talking to you. I am so sorry vi that i didn't come to you and just talked to you."
By now both of them had tears in their eyes.

"Let's promise each other one thing." Vi said "if in future we ever have a big fight, we will talk with each other no matter what. No matter what would happen or whose fault it would be, we will talk with each other and solve it and never again stop talking to each other."

Ro smiled and nodded. "We will talk with each other." He repeated.

"So now that we have solved our fight, we have to go and solve everyone else's fights. They are literally in two groups."
"Yeah." Ro agreed. "But first we will go to mahi bhai and will thank him for his help and then we will call everyone and explain how this fight started and how it has ended and they should be friends again too."

Vi nodded and they decided to go and check rooms for mahi bhai.
They found mahi bhai in Jassi's room, he was playing with harry jassi and jaddu.

"Mahi bhai we want to talk to you." Vi called him.
Mahi looked at them and knew that everything has been settled since they looked so relaxed after a long time.
"You guys play, i am coming." He said to the boys and went out.
"Looking at your happy and peaceful faces i am guessing you both have talked to each other and forgiven each other?" He asked.

Ro and vi grinned and said together "yes we have."
"We have also promised each other to never stop talking to each other again no matter what." Vi added.
"Yeah and it wouldn't have happened without you so thank you." Ro said hugging mahi bhai.
And virat joined too.
Mahi hugged them back and after parting from the hug said "i am glad that you two have settled your differences. Never leave each other because i know how important you two are for each other. And never in the future, any loss of the match come between you two. It's not more important than your freindship and unity, okay?"

"Yeah we have understood that, now." Vi said.
"And we have decided to gather the whole team and tell them about everything that has happened so they can also settle their differences." Ro said.
"No, not now, first i have to tell you both something." Mahi said deciding to tell them about Ayush and everything. "Come with me to my room."

Vi looked at ro with a questioning look and ro just shrugged as they followed mahi bhai to his room.

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