Forgive Me, But I Have No Choice

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Him And I

Chapter 19: Forgive Me, But I Have No Choice

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Chapter 19: Forgive Me, But I Have No Choice

Amy's POV

Violet: (Flying the plane) well what did he say?

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Violet: (Flying the plane) well what did he say?

Victor: (taking off his ear piece) Cliff and the others are going to go back to the village. They are going to protect the crystals that Amy gave them...right Amy?

Amy: yep, i gave them to Tails, i don't trust myself having them while we're going to see Lyric

Sonic: yeah great thinking Ames

So now we were high in the sky, Victor had a hunch on where Lyric would be lurking around and me and Sonic knew where his hideout was. So far so good, trying to just not kill the mood here.

Sonic: getting pretty close, so anything good on your end Violet?

Violet: no, no signal on where Shadow is

Amy: (sighs) we just gotta hope he's there

Victor: he's gotta be, where else could he-

Violet: shit! Shit!

Then i see Violet stressing out

Amy: what, what's wrong

Then I saw that the plane was going down. Shit we're gonna crash

Victor: How the hell are we crashing?!

Sonic: no time for questions, we gotta get off this plane

Amy: agreed, Sonic what's our landing situation?

Sonic then looks for parachutes for all of us but there was only two

Victor: (panics) oh for fucks sake we can't have everythign going our way now can we?

Sonic: then we'll just split it, Amy comes with me and Victor you take Violet

Violet: Whatever, let's just get out and jump now!

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