Fighting It Off (Slowly Reminiscing)

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Him And I

Chapter 22: Fighting It Off (Slowly Reminiscing)

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Chapter 22: Fighting It Off (Slowly Reminiscing)

Amy's POV

Shadow: how do you know my name?

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Shadow: how do you know my name?

Then it hit me, I never tried to say his name in front of him. Now he's caught my attention. I have him now. I need to take it slow here so he doesn't run away. I need him to join the right side in order to get him back.

Amy: Shadow, that's what I've been trying to tell you. I've known you for so long and now that I'm here with you I know that there's so much more that I wanna say to you. Some things I've been scared to tell you. But some things I know you can relate and laugh about. Please Shadow, i need the real you back

Then Shadow starts to tense up but then i see him slowly reaching out

Shadow: I-I...

Amy: Shadow?

Then i see Shadow look right at me and i see him hesitating for a second but then does something out of the ordinary

Shadow: (opens the cage) don't make any sudden noises. I'm getting you out of here

Amy: Just me?

Shadow: us. I'm coming with you

Then suddenly as he walks in the cage i jump into his arms and surprisingly he hugs back but then he puts me down

Shadow: alright, come on let's go. I know how to get us out of here

Then he takes my hand and we run off. I was looking back, getting scared of Shadow getting caught and possibly me suffering what Shadow suffered. Then Shadow and I were hiding as some of Lyric's robots were heading our way.

Robot 1: Let's fetch Shadow immediately. Lyric needs him

Then as the robot goes away Shadow suddenly gets mad and panics knowing we're so screwed. Now what?

Shadow: (whispers) shit

Then we go out of our hiding spot and we run now knowing we really have to hurry

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