A Plan B In Order

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Him And I

Chapter 21: A Plan B In Order

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Chapter 21: A Plan B In Order

Amy's POV

So Shadow left unexpectedly and it's been a while

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So Shadow left unexpectedly and it's been a while. I'm getting a bit impatient here, i mean i had him with the whole story arc plan then whatever that noise distracted him.

Amy: (sits on the ground) any day now Shadow

Then I finally hear a noise and Shadow comes back. He leans by the wall and looks at me

Shadow: Master sent me to run some errands

Amy: And by master you mean Lyric?

Then he nods his head and i try to continue the story

Amy: So should I continue the story about the guy I know?

Shadow: what guy? You never told me any story

Oh my god, he forgot again. Lyric must be keeping an eye on him and wiping anything from his mind. How do I stop this?

Amy: Uh, you don't remember anything I told you earlier about the hedgehog i'm familiar with?

Shadow: no, nothing

Fuck, theres gotta be another way to get his head thinking straight. Then he suddenly looks over and i suddenly see Lyric coming in

Lyric: ah, so nice to be back. Did you miss me Miss Rose?

Amy: (sarcasm) oh yes i did i'm practically leaping with joy here

Lyric: (to Shadow) nice job you, making sure she stays put. Now with your friends, they have till the end of the day until i cut the deal

Amy: they'll come i can count on it

Then i cross my arms and then Lyric chuckles and Shadow suddenly looks at him as he slither around getting a headset

Lyric: oh we'll see because if anyone double crosses me, then it'll just fall upon you once i use this

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