Glitches And Confusion

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Him And I

Chapter 33: Glitches And Confusion

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Chapter 33: Glitches And Confusion

Cliff's POV

Oh, this is terrible. I'm stuck here completely defenceless, and I can't help the others. Lyric just launched an attack on Sonic and Violet as they are somewhere wandering in the village, and with their devices still active, Lyric can do anything to lurk and trap them any minute and bring them here just like me.

Lyric: (hisses) Ah, my victim, i see you are wide awake

Cliff: (stubborn) What have you done with Sonic and Violet?

Lyric: What have I done? What have they done? They wrecked my minions, ripped off the chips and left them for scraps

Cliff: So they got away?

Lyric: not for long; with most of my minions down, it looks like i need to look for new options.

New options? Like making new chips, microchips, or perhaps new prototypes?

Cliff: Why are you telling me this?

Lyric: Oh, you'll see, all will be revealed very soon.

Amy's POV

Well, we finally made it to a safe space in the village. With this place being pretty empty, you can pretty much go anywhere here, but luckily the library here is still holding up. That's where we are; we were all surrounding Violet as she injured herself pretty badly along with Sonic. Tails was patching up the injuries to Sonic and Violet while we all worked on a plan.

Tails: (putting on a bandage) almost done, just need a few more bandages

Amy: I'll get some for you, Tails.

Tails: thanks Amy

Then, as I go into the office, I see beside the door the first aid kit. With me not paying attention, I hear footsteps nearby, so I know too well that it's

Amy Shadow. What are you doing?

Shadow: What, can't your boyfriend help you find some of the first aid equipment you need for your fox friend?

Amy: very specific of you, but as you can see (Opening the kit), i have it all right here

Then, as i grab some bandages for him, we both walk back to him while talking

Shadow: things seem to be getting worse around this Village

Amy: Well, it's going to only increase; i can't believe what happened to Violet and Sonic

Shadow: i think it's time we do something about those chips.

Amy: What do you mean?

Shadow: Amy, think about it; with those chips active, Lyric is going to release more minions to attack us. We have to find a way to destroy them

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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