Chapter XV💔

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Zenitsu: Ayumu.

Tanjiro: 'Ayumu? Is that her name? Wait how does Zenitsu know her?'

Ayumu takes a step back from Tanjiro and starts floating to the blonde.

Ayumu: So this is the special one? Truly fascinating.

Kaigaku: Inosuke! Can you move? Her attack has injured my leg I can't move!

Inosuke: I'm trying! But I'm in the same situation here.

Kaigaku: Same as Nezuko

He looked at the struggling demon trying to stand up.

Inosuke: This must be one of her demon arts

Kaigaku: Totally

Zenitsu: What did you do?

Ayumu is calm, for once, sets her feet on the ground. The green grass and the flowers rotten.

Tanjiro: 'Anything she touches rottens!'

The demon is now standing in front of Zenitsu.

Ayumu: I'm sorry I can't quite catch what you are saying

Zenitsu: What did you do to me?

Ayumu: Oh darling.... You are doing this to yourself. I mean you should've let me kill you that instant in that forest.

Tanjiro: 'What day in the forest? In one of his missions? What is happening? Damn it, I can't hear properly'

Ayumu chuckles. She puts her head close to his face.

Ayumu: I mean I didn't know you could be this stupid. Ufff. Your life is worthless! This is the end that you deserve...the fact that you've been lying to everyone around you is worse. I'm going to say this once again. You have NO escape."

Zenitsu snaps. In less than a second, he takes out his katana and slashes half of Ayumu's face with a kick on her chest. The demon is sent to a few trees which break.Ayumu is quiet.


Ayumu slowly stands up, a hand on her face. Another kick is planted on her face, she again falls.

Zenitsu: No. Let me tell you something, you decide to make others suffer because you are suffering yourself. You are absolutely pathetic, I've never met a person this disgusting. I might be worthless but you are just like me. And you did this to me.

The blonde smiles.

Inosuke: 'What the fuck is he doing?'

Ayumu: Zenitsu Agatsuma. Are you choosing death?


Nezuko is looking at her arm, slowly healing. She is nervous.

Everything is silent for a minute.However, that doesn't last long.

Ayumu raises both arms, feathers start gathering together before launching them to Zenitsu. He manages to dodge them in response, only a few hit him, making a few cuts in his skin. Except that was just a distraction, Ayumu goes from behind kicking him in the face with force. Zenitsu crashes into the floor, scratching his body.

Tanjiro: ZENITSU!

Kaigaku: Nonono, come on, get up!

Nezuko yells at the demon angry.

Zenitsu struggles to get up. About to succeed, Ayumu is in front of him. She throws a punch to his jaw, the blonde loosing his balance. The demon quickly kicks his stomach. Zenitsu falls to the ground once again. His attacker lifts her arm once again and throws an attack. Roots come out her body, slashing and scratching his body. He was trapped.

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