Chapter XXI 🍂

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Shinobu: This getting very serious, Zenitsu.

He has been getting strong fevers. His crack is up to his shoulder, taken over the stomach. His breathing has gotten worse as well as the daily coughs. He had to stay in bed all day.

Shinobu: It's only been eleven days...I don't know what to do.

Zenitsu: It's okay.

Shinobu: I'll keep searching today, meanwhile, you need to rest.

Zenitsu: Okay...


The blonde was walking to the kitchen, the wall supporting his balance.

Luckily, it was morning and the Estate was empty. Aoi was nice to leave some food.

Zenitsu: Alright...time to eat!

He takes a bite of his breakfast, his throat aching while doing so. The male spits out the food.

Zenitsu: Damn it... not even food?

He just stared down at his food.

"Zenitsu! Zenitsu! Where are you?"

Zenitsu: Kitchen!

Mitsuri enters the kitchen. And she looked... excited?

Mitsuri: I HAVE NEWS!

Zenitsu: What is it?

Mitsuri: We found a cure!

Zenitsu stayed silent.

Zenitsu: Wait. You have?!

Mitsuri: After what it feels like forever, we've found it. For you to be saved, you need to tell that special someone your feelings! That means you need to tell Tanjiro.

Zenitsu: I am NOT doing that!

Mitsuri: Zenitsu!

Zenitsu: No! No, Mitsuri. I can't. I can't do it.

Mitsuri: I told you it's okay, many of us Hashiras have met women who love each other as well as men. Rengoku met a woman and her wife, Iguro and I met two men who loved each other, Sanemi-

Zenitsu: I'm not doing it.

Mitsuri slams her hand on the table.

Mitsuri: You are getting worse every single day! Look at you! Your skin is pale, you can't even stand up without struggling, you can't eat, you are getting thinner, I can see how bad it hurts when you scream or yell. Your coughs are unstoppable, you look dead! Should I keep going?

Zenitsu: No...that's enough-

Mitsuri: I'm sure the others are noticing too, Zenitsu! You can't keep doing this.

Zenitsu:Doing what exactly?!

Mitsuri: Pretending everything is fine, damn it!

The room was silence.

Zenitsu: I'm sorry...

Mitsuri: No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-

Zenitsu: I'll tell them.

Mitsuri: Really?!

Zenitsu: I won't tell Tanjiro my feelings...

Mitsuri: What are you, crazy? You'll die!

Zenitsu: I'm sorry Mitsuri. I just can't-

Mitsuri: Don't worry... I'm just glad you are going to tell them the truth.

Zenitsu: I'll do it tomorrow! I'll just invite them over and tell them everything calmly.

Mitsuri: And I'll be there...

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