Chapter 6

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Man shawty be playing to much touching a nigga ass and stuff. She just don't know I will toss her uglay fine ass outside to freeze fr.

I walked on the other side of the counter and watched her make the grilled cheese and i got to say she started making a nigga hungry to watching and listening to them thangs sizzle.. She made me think about all the many foods i would let best friend cook up in this kitchen! I quickly stop to think maybe it's time for me to actually let someone put this kitchen to use. But for right now I'm just going to think about these grilled cheese in front of my face.

"Aye lil' girl I hope you made me a grilled cheese up in MY kitchen in MY house?"

"first of all, I ain't no lil' girl, and second, no i didn't cause yo didn't ask for no grilled cheese so i didn't make yo one LIL' BOY."

I had to show this girl that she gone give me what i want when i want it. I poked that bottom lip out and kept staring at her.

"boy stop looking at me like that dang."

I hope she didn't think i was going to give up that easily. I had to make my eyes water. That stuff wasn't easy either had a nigga feeling like he was about to cry fr and i know i don't do that. That is a big ass no no.

She got one of the grilled cheese off her plate.

"Here dang you get on my nerves already begging for stuff and i haven't even made you my best friend yet."

my eyes lit up like the 4th of July.

"So you decided you wanted to be my best friend too?"

"Nigga don't get to happy i didn't say i was moving in."

"But you did basically say you wanted to be my best friend."

"NO i didn't."

"Yes you did your words are 'dang you already begging for stuff and i haven't even made you my best friend yet'."

I had a smirk on my face cause i know i just caught her red handed. I sat there for a minute to let what i said to her soak in.

"FINE iguessicanbeyourfriend."

""Slow down girl I can't understand nothing you just said you said that all jumbled together."

I understood what she said I just wanted her to say it slowly for my satisfaction

"OHMYGOSH !!!! I said I guess I can be your friend."

"Nah lil' ma I need you to be sure cause once you in ain't no getting out and im going to need you to do things to be certified as my best friend."

"WOAH... things like??"

"Well it kind of comes with the package if you are my friend i get to choose if your my best friend or not and these tests will prove if you are or not. So like i was saying... Are you sure?"

I saw a quick flash of relief from what i don't know. 

"fine i don't really have a problem with 'proving i'm worthy' cause i know i am bloop! Oh and I hope you don't think once i'm your best friend you can replace me cause that's a BIG N.O.!"

Jess POV

i had to tell him like it is. I'm not about to be replaced by no other bitch that think she can move me out of the way! NOPE i done got pushed away to many times and he not about to do it. 

""Aight. Anyway the rest of the stuff we can cover tomorrow let's go to bed a thug needs his beauty rest and we got to go to school in the morning. And yes that was me telling you that your spending the night BFF!"

"Okay you just gone have to wake up earlier to take me home to get a change of clothes."

I was nervous and excited I don't ever think I've actually slept over someone elsehouse before since i never really had any friends before. I walked upstairs with my lip poked out acting like I was upset about having to go to school in the morning but i wasn't cause then I could tell my bitch Shaniqua what's done happened to me all in one day. I have a few friends and i done got me a new best friend!

"The bathroom in that door right across from the bed and your closet starting tomorrow afternoon after school is the doors right beside the bathroom."

"Okay... could you give me something to wear to bed?"

"Shid shawty you can sleep nude." I would have thought he was serious if he didn't slip that wink in at the end.

"Or you could give me some clothes to wear to bed. HA you thought!"

"Ok ok look in the closet in the drawer and get one of my white shirts and it should be boxers in the very first drawer."

"Thanks. For everything you've did for me tonight, you have really helped me out more then my own family and i appreciate that."

"No problem lil' girl now get out yo' feelings get in that bathroom and change so i can go to bed."

"Ok I"m going."

I was in the bathroom for about 5 minutes and when i came out Sam was standing by the door i guess so he could wish me good night. He looked so pooped out! AH poor best friend!

"Night boo!"

"G'Night! Oh and my brother gone take us to school in the morning so he can take my car to the shop and get another paint job."


With that he was gone and as soon as he left and i got in the bed i was out like a light!

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