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Her uncle in MM

Jess POV

I can't believe he found me. I spent all these years running thinking I was getting away with it. But he's here and there is no way he is going to let me run again. He says I am his bitch and that I better not give his pussy away or he will kill me and the nigga I gave it to.

I told Sam to take me home cause I wasn't feeling good. I could tell he wanted to ask what that was about in the hospital but chose not to and i was thankful for that Because i don't think i could talk about it without crying and i just don't have the energy to do it again.

 We pulled up at my house and I just sat there contemplating whether to tell him or keep it to myself. 

"Sam, can I trust you?"

"That's up to you lil' mama but I would think that you can cause I'm not one to spread people's business out cause I know how it feels to be, how should I say different then others with loads to carry."

While he was doing the whole speech I could nothing but smile and something was telling me I could trust him with all my heart. 

"Sam, that man back there was supposed to be my uncle. He said he loved me and that if i loved him i would let him do that to me." I was on the verge of crying while talking so i had to stop and take a breath. Sam tried to reach over but i stopped him i needed to do this.

"He would come in my room when my parents were at work and he would touch me." I was full blown crying. "He would make my take off my pants, a-and make me touch him. And he said if I ever told anyone that he would kill me."

When I was done telling the story I looked up and saw tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry all that stuff happened to you ma, I can't believe someone would do that to their own flesh and blood fr though."

"I have already forgiven im, I just hate to look at him and know what he did to me all those years with me scared to tell anyone. My mom wouldn't believe me cause she hates me."

Keeghan POV

Haven't heard from me in awhile have you? Nope cause a young nigga is laying low and just making money to support me and my moms. So she won't ever have to worry about nothing in her life.


''What boy? You always coming up in here wanting something from  me.. Why can't you come here just to see yo fine ass mama? Is you jealous that i get more hoes than you?Yeah i think that's what it is.''

''Mama chill you know i get hoes like they groceries!''

''Yeah whatever well i get hoes like they nu but water to me then howbahdah!''

''First of all mama don't use that dumb ass shit. That little girl needed her ass whooped for saying that.'' 

''Wellll i like it nigga and i'm the mama."

I didn't even reply cause my mama is crazy as shit and she would have had me up in here arguing all day about that one thing.

"But for real son all jokes aside when you gone bring me a REAL daughter around here and not one of your 3AM hoes?"

"Mama what the hell is 3AM hoes?"

"It means you only need them after 3AM."

"Ah okay then Miss. Hip now. But i honestly don't know ma cause these hoes is scandalous and i don't have time to be entertaining them."

"You right. But don't wait until i start getting old boy! I'm still young now and i want some grand-babies before i start worrying about bingo on Friday nights!"

"LOL yes ma'am. Now to what i was coming to talk about, What you got in that o-?"

"BOY i knew you only wanted me for what i can give you! But i jut got done with some meatloaf and it's some greens, macaroni, yams, and cornbread on top of the stove."

"Yes thank you jesus for a woman like ma in my life!"

I went in that kitchen and i tell you i about had a heart attack from all that food heaven i seen on the stove.

"MA! imma take some food with me too cause you know i ain't got no food there."

"yeah yeah."

I made me a plate and went in my old room to watch some tv. Yes i still have a room at my moms house, she just know how to take care of me even when i don't. 

My moms is my true ride or die if nobody else. Even when she be straight tripping we both know we got each other until the end. And that's factual facts!

I ended up going to sleep in my old bed right after i got done eating.

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