Chapter 13

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Keegan POV
Once my hand was past the border there was no turning back. I turned off the tv laying her down taking the clothes off along with mine. I leaned down to kiss her and I have to say without sounding like a bitch that it had to be the best one I have ever had. The way her lips curved with mine had a nigga hooked thinking damn what that mouth do...!!!! I moved down to nibble on her chin.

"Wait should we b- Ahhhh fuck!!"

She taste like a fucking lollipop. I have never in my life is eaten a female but I know they don't all taste like this.. I had my tongue circulating from playing with her clit to stroking deep in her whole. I had her curled up trying run away but I was having none of that.

"Don't run I got you now."

Jess POV

He had me running from the tongue oh I wonder if anybody ever told him how good his tongue stroke game was. Cause yes he had it. As soon as I was about to cum he gone lift up and start kissing up. Ain't this about a bitch where is he going and why did he stop?!

"Why you stop?!!"

"Cause I'm about to show how I really lay it down. You think this game is good wait until you feel this stoke game."

He said all of this and at the end he going to stroke himself through his boxers. Isn't he a cocky bastard, I hope he can hold to his word 😉. He pulled down his boxers and a bitch almost had a heart attack, the shit was big asf! Ain't no way that shit was going in me to fuck all my shit up!!

"Oh hell no!! What the fuck is that a snake?! That is not going in me!!"

All he did was smile. He think I'm playing but I'm not!

"Ma chill out its not going to be bad, you might be limping a little in the morning but that's about it."

"No that thing look like it's going to destroy me!"

"Okay well how about this... I start and if it hurts you tell me to stop and I will. Deal?"

I hesitated a little but still agreed cause a bitch is horny and I need someone to lay down the pipe, I just hope I don't regret this in the morning.

He slid in slowly spreading my walls which caused me to become  a little uncomfortable but the pleasure I was receiving was over riding that. Once he was in I needed a breathe so I told him to wait a minute.

"You ready for this?"

I looked him in the eye and I couldn't read him. It was so many looks that I couldn't catch one.

He started out slow building up then slowing down again.

"What's my name?"

I couldn't say anything my tongue was twisted.

He stopped moving altogether. Looking down at me waiting.


"That's right and I better not hear you gave my shit away!"

He put his hand down to play with my clit and that drove me over the edge.


I realized after it was too late that I don't remember him putting on a condom. I'm not ready for a baby, I barely even know the man I'm sleeping with let alone have a baby with him. I'm freaking the fuck out right now.

"Aye what's got you thinking so hard?"

"The fact that I just slept with a man that I barely know or that it could be the same man that is the father to my child because he didn't rap it up."

"I take care of all of my responsibilities so if you do get pregnant with my seed then best believe y'all gone be straight now stop thinking so much and enjoy the moment."

"I would, but see right now I have to piss so let me up."

I got out the bed and couldn't even stand up all of my lower body was in pain.

"Look what you and that monster you have did to me! I can't even stand up straight how am I supposed to do anything?"

'"That's easy. Don't. Stay with me all day and I'll pamper you."

"Aren't you sweet!"😘

I used the bathroom and came back out to see he had the cover lifted in my spot waiting for me to lay down.

"In the morning we have to talk."

"Alright, just go to sleep for now."

I laid down and was out like a light the last thing I remember is him putting his arm around me and pulling me closer.

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