2: Victor

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  I won’t kill him, I’ve decided. I wasn’t in his mind long, but I could tell he was actually a decent person and had a good reason to want to live, from the glimpses I caught anyway. And anyway……

  Really, I shouldn’t be surprised that he saw me as some kind of vicious predator. It was obvious that he knew I’m a vampire, so he clearly knew what I could do. At the very least, who I eat. 


  Still, no one else has had me as a dark and looming predator, with my eyes the only visible detail, my hands claws. He saw me about to attack his little sister, who was crying over his own mangled body. It won’t leave my mind now, even as I’m searching for a new prey. Even as the thoughts of the people in the city flood my mind.

  I can’t believe him! A teenager ranting to her friend or parent.

  No, you listen to me! A mother getting onto a teen for coming back three hours past curfew.

  What the hell did you make me watch? Laughing followed by a few pillow wacks insued. I could tell that they were going to have a pillow fight, possibly spreading snacks all over. 

  None of these people are worth taking. I seriously don’t want to run all over New York City just to find a meal and I can’t afford to skip this time if I want to keep my mind. Maybe if I search harder. There’s bound to be some lowlife around here. Closing my eyes and putting my fingers to my temples, I reach out a little further.

  Why do I have so many bills? A new adult who clearly didn’t get the training they needed or just simply wasn’t prepared enough. 

  Only a five dollar tip from a party of 18. Just my luck. I halfway feel like finding whoever did that to the poor waitress, if only to scare them to not repeat the action. 

  But then a new voice came on.

  I…. I have to finish…. Cleaning…. I can’t.. Stop. He’ll…. he’ll.... This girl was no older than eleven and tomorrow is Monday so she’ll likely have school. She shouldn’t be cleaning house at this hour. And the fear in her thoughts…. Who is making her do such a thing? As I try to find out though, a familiar childlike laugh echoes.  

  It couldn’t be her, I think. Could it? Still, I look in the direction the laugh came from. 

  Ugh, why do they never taste like chocolate? They sure look like it. Well it’s definitely Elizabeth. She’s always trying to take humans that taste like chocolate, which is why she almost always attacks black people; mainly the ones with extra dark complexions, though she will settle for others. I’ve never got her reasoning, but I don’t bother with her right now. I’m busy trying to find my own meal. 

  I’m done for, I hear her prey think. With a jolt, I realize that he is the same human that I let go moments before. Instantly, his mind flooded with worry, and in turn flooded mine. His worry was not for himself, but for his sister; missing out on her growing up, not being able to help her or protect her. How their uncle, whom I assume is their caretaker, will treat her without him. I can’t die here. 

  And I won’t let him.

  Within seconds of running, I’m where they are. She’s holding him by the throat while he’s kicking and thrashing. I could tell he didn’t have much longer on his own, and she was still about to bite. Moving with little thought, I punch her, causing her jaw to dislocate and a thunderous sound to echo. I’m glad that it’s been raining, or else this would have drawn a lot of attention. 

  When I stop though, I can smell the delectable and intoxicating scent of his blood mixing with his fear. A tremor runs through me but I ignore it. I am here to save him, not hurt him, I tell myself firmly. I hear him gasp, most likely at my presence. I don’t blame him, especially since I hear his fingers brushing over his blood, making me want to turn even more.

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