Epilogue: Carl

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I was an idiot. I let my worry and fear get the better of me. I should have known that who I followed wasn’t Victor. He looked the same, but his clothes were slightly off, not the same shade of blue his suit was when we went in, his walk was stiff and seemingly very confined, and he didn’t speak at all. Victor loved the sound of his own voice and loved how he looked. He took pride in it. I should’ve known it wasn’t him. I should’ve known….

Now I’m in what looks like some sort of storage container, bags of luggage scattered about. Somehow, when I woke up, I was sitting up. Not like raising your head and you have a stiff neck for the rest of the day because you fell asleep sitting up; no, I was sitting straight up, looking directly ahead of me. I didn’t even seem to open my eyes, just that everything seemed to appear out of nowhere.

There are three people in front of me, two in dark suits that look to be how Victor had once described the Enforcers. Head to toe in black uniforms, white stripes with seemingly no pattern to them. I won’t be telling their rank then. Either way, they looked like robots, emotionless and unfeeling. Their black helmets with shiny visors completed the look. 

Silver glinted at their sides, though the light in the room was so dim. It took me a moment of wondering why they had silver in the first place to realize that they were carrying machetes. Again, I have to wonder why. Vampire’s claws are sharper than them by far and a hundred times stronger than steel.

“It’s because some of the enforcers are human,” a very gruff and snake-like voice said. The man directly in front of me, who I had been trying my hardest no to look at, was where it came from. I soon gave in, knowing that any info I could grab would help in the long run. 

He had dark slickback hair, his clothes dark green and blue. They looked very scale-like in nature. Even had some serpent emblems all around. Despite the seeming obsession with snakes, this man was far from looking like one. He was big and round, looking very squishy and jiggly. However, I felt my hand would break against it no matter what.

But his eyes matched the snake theme no problem. The black pupil was stretched beyond what any humans could be, the golden encompassing it beautifully- and dangerously.

“I said something. You should answer me, boy,” he said again, pronouncing the s’s in each sentence like one would imagine a snake to. His voice demanded respect and fear from me and though I tried to keep at least some semblance of my confidence, I had also hardly had any to begin with, especially with vamps.

“What do you mean?” I ask and he immediately laughs.

“Funny. I thought most Hunters knew the turning rate of their own kind.” 

“T-turning rate?” I don’t mean to stutter, but I do and the man laughs again. 

“Meaning how many of the humans find out about our existence and run from you Hunters to avoid being killed. By you.” My eyes widen and I shake my head in disbelief. 

“No. No, we aren’t killers like-” I start to move my hands to just point at him or something; only to find that I couldn’t. My body didn’t obey me. I could only turn my head side to side. The man laughed some more.

“Oh, you naive little hunter. I am going to have fun with you.”

I can’t help but whimper. He laughs once more.

To Be Continued

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