13: Carl

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I can’t believe he took Arianne’s side on that. Well, yeah, I actually can. His goal, I’m realizing, is to make my life confusing. Probably got bored of living for all these years and decided to screw with the nearest human. And I just happened to be the one he chose. Lucky me.

But with all of us together and gathered around and Airanne’s homework due date creeping closer everyday, Victor suggested to make today the shopping day. I had to agree with him, if only because Ari wanted to. She seemed excited, forgetting that we were going with a vamp. 

Though that was too quick for my liking, I couldn’t put a damper on her mood, even though I knew I should. But considering our fight last week still hasn’t been resolved yet…. I've really wanted to fix it; truely. But with training, working, and few meetings with Victor to get little updates and info about vampires and the High Coven, it’s been impossible.

Before we were able to do anything however, we had to clean the apartment. It was the same basic stuff as before; dishes, sweeping, mopping, and pretty just tidying in general. I seemed to be the only one doing a lot of cleaning, though. Victor kept goofing off with Ari, telling her jokes, pushing his accent to the point of it being nearly unintelligible, making funny faces, ect. I didn’t reprimand him, though it made my work go slower. The two got on so well and I couldn’t take that away from Ari. However, I will be talking to her to remind her that he’s a vamp. I know I need it half the time.

But I finished before 5:00, so we still had a decent amount of time to actually shop. Victor went down a few minutes ahead of Ari and me to hail a cab. Which I was extremely thankful for because just as Ari and I were going to leave, Uncle D walked in.

Ari quickly moved behind me, trying to avoid being seen by him. I push us back against the wall. Maybe we can leave-

“Hey deadbeat,” he mutters in my direction, heading straight for the fridge. I motion for Ari to hurry out the door and head down to Victor. I know he wouldn’t dare do anything to her right now, if only because it would be crowded and that I would hunt him to the ends of the earth if he did. “Where’s she off to?” Uncle D said with a full mouth of something. I heard a crunch a moment ago, so I’m guessing it was last night's tacos.

“We’re heading out with a- friend of mine to get some supplies for a science project of Arianne’s,” I told him. All he does is nod and continue eating, dropping food all over the counter and floor I just spent an hour cleaning.

“So, you’re paying for it yourself, right? And not making your friend pay?”

“Well, he offered to-”

“Just pay for the supplies yourself,” he said, waving off my excuse and walking to his chair. The innards of the taco fell to the floor as he did. Hypocritical jerk, I think bitterly.

“Ok,” I sigh, starting to leave, but he stops me.

“And bring back a receipt so I know it was you that bought it.” 

“..... Yes sir....”

* * *

Howdy Carl,” Phil greets as I walk inside. I wanted to see Su and tell her what just happened, without mentioning who Victor was in detail, but Phil was a nice surprise. I still refuse to look directly at him.

“Hey,” I said, avoiding his eyes. His beautiful, sea green eyes. I thought for the longest time that what I saw in him was just a fluke, a mistake. Not real. But about a month ago, when I started training, I realized that it really was just me. I’m the one who has a screw loose in the head.

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