12: Carl

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It’s been a week since I had my fight with Arianne. My wound healed up nicely, and surprisingly quick, but I ended up getting about ten more wounds, and not just from training. This has been one busy week for Fabrezio’s Fine Dining. And in training. For starters in training, I keep getting paired up with The Bald Girl. And today was no exception. I think Instructor Shirco, the one from the strigoi attack last week, might just be picking on me. 

“Get a move on, breddah!” she yells at me, smirk on her features as she runs past me. I don’t do anything to hide my glare as I run to catch up. We’re running drills in an abandoned football field somewhere in downtown Brooklyn. It seems like it’s been here for decades, the aging wooden benches and tan grass giving away it’s disuse.

“I am not your breddah,” I tell her as I catch up. I actually keep getting faster and stronger every time I come to these training sessions. But apparently not enough if I can’t beat her.

“Don’t ya make fun of mi, now!” she says with a slight punch on my arm, then resumes running. I struggle to keep up with her on the worn out track and she chuckles. I think at my running ability, but her next words prove me slightly wrong. “Besides, any breddah of myne wood be able to keep up wid mi easy.”

“Do you even have any brothers?” I ask, despite myself. She’s mean, but my curiosity got the better of me. Her accent and demeanor are very intriguing.

“Five, but all are in Jamaica wid my fada. Mi mada is de one who brought mi here.”

“Brought? Is she not here with you?” I ask between breaths. Her face changed, seemingly upset by my question. “I’m sorry, I didn’t-”

“Eh, it’s fine. No, she isn’t here. She got mi set up and went home.”

“Oh,” is all I can say. We continue running in silence. It’s actually kinda nice to have someone that doesn’t expect a lot of talking. But, she’s still a mean, overbearing stupid- well, maybe not that, but still- girl who I don’t like. At all.

Attention trainees,” the speakers blare so loud that I have to stop running and cover my ears. The Bald Girl looks at me weird, but I don't care. The ringing of the speakers is too much. But at least it’s understandable this time. “You can’t always fight your way through a vamp attack. Sometimes, you have to sneak your way out and live to fight another day. We may be a formidable opponent against the vampires, but even we cannot stand a fight against a swarm of them. Your assignment today is to hide from those playing vamps and make your way to the Fulton Mall. no cabs, no phone calls to get help, you get nothing but your wooden practice machetes and your own two feet. You can choose to stay with your running partner or go it on your own.” Why did the man on the speaker seem so pleased with himself? “Be as inconspicuous as possible. You have three hours. Good luck.

“Ugh! I hate deese guys!” The Bald Girl grumbles as I uncover my ears. “Always sprinigin deese surprises on us!”

“I know, right?” I agree, already searching for those who are supposed to be the vamps. Part of me wants Victor here to just tell me who to avoid and when they get close. I wonder if he’d be as close as he was in my house a week ago. I still remember the cold feel of his hand on mine. It felt so nice on it, cooling it down. And when he lifted my chin up so I could gaze into his chosen brown eyes with my stomach in knots… but, no. He’s a guy and a vamp. I can’t get involved like that. My feelings are wrong. 

“Hey Staary Eyes!” The Bald Girl yells, drawing me from my thoughts. She grabs my arm and pulls me away. “If ya don’t want to fail dis assignment, I suggest ya follow mi!” I do as she commands, though I really don’t have a choice. She’s strong.

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