6: Victor

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  How much longer is he going to make me wait? Little Rabbit and his coworkers just kicked me out, seeing as I was the last customer, and I know he saw my eyes flash gold. I know because his thoughts were utter panic, that then faded to annoyance at how obvious I looked. He works at a fancy restaurant and he acts like I’m not going to put my best foot forward. Though I do wish he hadn’t made the meeting outside his workplace because I don’t have many places to hide. Plus it’s still fairly muddy from the constant onslaught of rain these past few weeks.

I had chosen a simple form this time, despite how much I wanted to go bigger; dirty blonde hair, skinny build, and tall; I even added freckles for good measure. Everyone normal has freckles. In the midst of going back to my normal form just inside the confines of Central Park, where he originally told me to wait when I heard his voice.

“Victor!” he whisper-shouted. “Victor, I’m here. Where I told you to stay until- ahh!” I ran up to his side and took up his brisk walk, causing him to jump.

“Hello, Lit-”

“Stop it,” he glares.

“You’re no fun,” I groan. He rolled his eyes and continued walking, motioning for me to follow. No matter how much fun it is to watch him walk away all angry like that, I follow him. I’m just thankful for the street lamps lighting the way so I don’t have to activate my night vision. He probably wouldn’t look as good in it bathed in grey.

“Whatever. You wanna tell me why you deliberately went inside my work instead of waiting out here for me?” I shrugged, causing him to glare. 

“I like watching you work. What’s wrong with that?” I rarely ever see actual muscles at work, so when he uses them, I can’t help but stare.

“What’s wrong with it is that if you were followed, they would have found me too! And all the people in the restaurant, causing a massacre!” 

“They wouldn’t have attacked with a load of humans there. It would expose us,” I told him.

“Oh,” he muttered.

“You act like I can’t read the minds of anyone near me,” I said, a little annoyed he’d think I’d let so many innocents be murdered.…. Then again, he has no reason not to.

“You- huh?” Little Rabbit asked, seemingly dumbfounded. 

“I can read minds. Did you not notice?” I ask innocently. Is he really not that observant?

“But- But I thought you were a shapeshifter….”

“Look, it’s not like I hid my other powers from you.”

“Hmm, I guess you did sound exactly like my sister when you attacked me.” Those last words I ignored. “Though, at first I thought it was someone else from your coven.”

“Oh please,” I scoff. “The way covens work is just a way to control us, though they say it’s the safety in numbers. I’ve been around mainly by myself for 300 years, and not once have I been caught by the st- the V.H.C.” I corrected. No sense in insulting the hand that helps you.

“Is that why the High Coven is chasing you?”

“Correctomundo, Little Rabbit,” I say, feigning an impressed tone. “That, and my numerous powers.” It was quiet for a moment, Little Rabbit eyeing me suspiciously. Then- 

“How many powers do you have? And, how did the High Coven find out about it, if you’ve been free for… 300 years?” he asked.

“You’ll find out when you need to,” I state simply. He looks at me like he’s saying ‘Are you kidding me?’ before turning immediately around to stalk away. “Hey- where are you going?”

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