17. Tease

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"Do you want to know?" I teased Ella as we remembered that day at the restaurant. We were sitting in the living room and Isa was making drinks because the Master gave the maids a holiday. She glared impatiently waiting for me to speak "Your handwriting was like a chicken scribbles" Everyone laughed while the younger stood up mad.

"No one touches my Hao!" Jun shouted as I got up from my seat and the girl ran after me around the place. I couldn't stop giggling as I lost my breath and stopped, Ella hold my arm aggressively while hitting me lightly "Just. A. Tree. Fuck you fuck you fuck you! Fuck Junhui too-"

"What the hell did I do?!?"

"Shut up!!" How scary can she be...? I lowered her hands and pushed her in front of me. She turned back and stuck her tongue out at me which I giggled at. Talking too much, didn't stop since she woke up.

"As if I didn't see you two kissing at the veranda this morning!" Quickly, I put my hand on her mouth to stop her from embarrassing me, I'm burning as hell!

A loud scream got out of my mouth when Ella bit my hand and ran behind her grandpa. At this time Isa came and was about to bump into the little girl  "Be careful I'm holding the drinks"

"My brother's 'boy' is mocking her" May butt in with a mischievous smirk on her face then took a drink from on the table. My shocked expression didn't get me to say anything to defend myself.

"Can you please stop insulting him?!!" Jun got up and walked to beside me and linked his arm with mine acting angry at his family members while May can't stop laughing.

The boy beside me tried to hold in his laugh as I noticed "He's my little baby and he loves me, right?" He pulled me closer by my waist and looked directly into my eyes. May started making digusted sounds at us which I ignored by my redness.

"Junhui get your manners" His grandfather warned him but not in a way that he's mad; he does still love his grandson. The two younger girls agreed.

"No" I shook my head as his response while hiding my smile. His face traumatized and let go of me with his jaw dropped down not believing what I said.

After few seconds I couldn't hold it anymore and laughed. Jun pouted madly while glaring at me and flicked my forehead then crossed his arms.

"I was only joking around" I apologized and hugged him cutely.

"Don't kid in this way"

"Oh my god you're so cute like this, don't stop" The middle one said out of no where.

All of a sudden he took the chance of his sister's comment and pointed at his cheek "Kiss me" I didn't hesitate and pecked him "Another one"

"Isn't one enough?" I raised my eyebrow at him and he shook his head while waiting for me. His grandpa laughed at the boy's childishness.

"One more time" He said after and my eyes widened.

"Are you sure you're not using me for your own benefit?" His sister replied instead of me.

"He'll be lying if he said no. I've known him since he was a kid"

"Be quite. He's my boyfriend and he'll listen to me" Jun shushed his older sister and Isa rolled her eyes.

"Last one and that's settled" When I was few centimeters away he turned around and pressed his lips against mine with a smirk. The Master held my chin making me back a step.

"OMG JUN!!" His sisters yelled in unison.

A long silence occupied the room "You're amazing" The boy whispered after he pulled away from me who is about to explode from embarrassment. "Fuck Junhui too" I repeated what his sister said earlier in a low voice just he can hear.

"JUNHUI!" The old man yelled but Jun ignored him.


"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR WEN FUCKING JUNHUI?!!!" Isa hit the couch with her hands.

The mentioned boy looked at her and was about to speak but his other sister interrupted him "Weren't you too hard on him?"

"And what's with that?" Jun replied calmly. ''What's with that?' Right, they're your siblings, you don't have any problem. But ME!!' "By the way why are you sitting on the floor?" He pointed at Ella.

"She got traumatized by her brother's behaviours" May emphasized the word traumatized and leaned on the sofa's back.

"Do whatever you want to him in your room not HERE in front of everyone"

"What the- what do you- ELLA SHUT UP PLEASE!!" Isa shouted at her little sister and the other huffed "Junhui if you do anything I'll kill you. You know what I mean"

"I'm about to be 20 and he's already 18, what do you want?" The Master put his hands on his hips and looked at his sisters.

"I told-"

"You mean this?" Jun turned to me and leaned in for a kiss-


He laughed and rubbed my hair "Don't yell. He's okay" I can see Isa burning fire, not knowing what's the matter "Let's take a walk" He intertwined our fingers and made our way to the door.

"Be kind!"

"Ok~" Jun answered Ella then we heard Isa's voice shouting. We went out and closed the door while chuckling.

"Why are you so sensitive?" Ella questioned her older sister.

The girl sighed and faced her "You know. It's different when Jun's with Minghao. It's just he's acting strong and manly but we know him well, a fluffy ball that always needs to be warm"

"Maybe Minghao changed him" May sat down and took a fruit to eat it.

"I mean he have a white heart. Okay I know he wants to protect Minghao but, isn't he overdoing it!"

"You're the one who's overthinking" May shrugged what her sister said and opened her phone.

"I know him more than both of you. You didn't see what side I have seen of him. Jun is that playful kind boy with the brain of a kid, when he put something in his head he must do it. Don't get fooled, Jun isn't just a kind innocent boy"

"Nice presentation Mrs. Ella" Isa mocked her sister while clapping and May said quickly.

"She's right. Jun is that kind of person who has both personalities. It's awesome isn't it?" She looked up and the older one nodded slowly.

"Whatever, I should apologize for him when he comes back"

"He forgave you or maybe didn't even think you shouted at him. Look, he's a kind kid"

"Let's just let him be and live his life however he wants with the person he loves" Isa understood what her sisters are trying to say. "Anyone want to make a surprising cake for them?" She brightened the mood and the other two girls cheered and got up quickly.


Wow... I didn't know it'll end like this, I hope you liked it and bared with my not so good english 

Whatever, I wish you'll have a good day or night and stay happy.

Bye ♥︎

**: Sorry for the very late update. This is the last chapter. Thank you

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