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"You can't catch me Harriette!" 8-year-old Harry giggled as he ran away and Harriette hurried after him.
"Come on! We have to go home!" she called out after him and she catched up with him easily.
"Come on... Dad is always mean..." Harry whined.
"He is mean when we break rules, so if we go home now... he might not be mean."
"...he is always mean to you."
"That's because I'm the oldest."
"...that's not fair."
"Living on this island isn't fair. Look, across the sea. The land filled with the AK's, living their lives with no worries and unlimited food supplies. While we fight eachother for their trash."
"...I wish dad would be nicer to you."
"Are you even listening?"
"Are you?"
Harriette grinned.
She took his hand and they started to walk to the Hook house.

Then Harriette had the feeling that they were being followed, after a while.
"Harry, keep walking." Harriette said as she let go of hid hand and stopped herself.
"Aren't you coming?"
"Go home. I'll be right behind you."
"But then dad will-"
"Now!" Harriette said and Harry did walk... the Hook gouse was in sight.
But he kept looking back to see if Harriette was really walking behind him.
"I'm still here, don't worry okay. I'll worry for the both of us, so you don't have to."
"Who's that?" Harry asked as he fully turned around, seeing a guy in black coming closer to Harriette.
Harry's sister turned and the guy grabbed her arms.
"Hey-!" Harriette yelled and Harry's eyes widened as the guy dragged his sister along.
"NO! Not my sister!!" he yelled as he ran after them.
Captain Hook came outside thanks to the noise and he saw how his okdest daughter was taken along and how Harry tripped as he ran after.
Hook helped Harry up, who was covered in mud.
"Are you alright son?"
"Harriette-- where is he taking her-- Is she coming nack?"
"Harry, are you hurt?" Hook asked.
"What about Harriette!?" Harry cried and mrs. Hook came outside with baby-Cj in her arms.
(Cj was 2 years old, still a baby in my opinion)
"James, what's going on?" she asked.
"...someone took Harriette." Hook said with a sigh and Harry pointed to the ally where the guy took Harriette.
"They went that way! We need to go after them! We need to help Harriette!" He said with tears rolling down his cheek.
"Go to your mother." Hook said as he hurried away and Harry did as he was told.
Mrs. Hook put baby-Cj in the crib, helped Harry clean up himself with the mud... then hugged her son tightly, promising that everything would be okay.

The lost Hook (Harriette Hook) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now