[Harry] 8. The fuck...

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I wasn't happy that mom was still sticking with us. I simply didn't trust her anymore.
Like how was I supposed to just believe her since she clearly knew where Harriette was...
Oh right, my injury... Well I had surgery but it should be fine. I'm not allowed to move my arm for 8 weeks but it should heal normally.

But when Harriette, Cj... and mom came into the room, I noticed that Harriette was a bit... wobbly(?) or something.
"You alright?"
"Yea... I just... Let's say I could eat a horse or something... And I'm tired..."
And the second she was finished talking, she passed out.
"Harriette!" I said with worries and mom hurried o to the hallway to get a nurse.
Cj knelt next to Harriette and actually teied to help like she tried to help me.
Cj had been taking these first-aid paramedic classes... and she was good.
She rushed to the cabinets and found some sugar like stuff and Harriette woke up as Cj did, something I couldn't see.
"Huh...?" Harriette mumbled.
"Nice going Cj..." I said softly and Cj helped Harriette up.
Then mom and a nurse returned.
"Alright, sit down slowly..." the nurse said calmly as she grabbed a chair and Harriette got some help from Cj and mom.
She really was weakened in those ten fucking years.
"Okay, I'm going to give you some liquids and antibiotics. First I'm going to take a blood sample and get you something to eat and drink." she said and the nurse left.
Still I didn't trust mom completely and I looked at her.
"Why did you never mention the bloody cabin or the tunnel?" I asked and mom looked at me.
"Because it was a secret thing between me and Harriette."
"What secret?" Harriette asked and I glared at mom.
"...knew it." I sissed and mom looked at Harriette.
"The cabin you found in the forbidden forestwhen you were six?" she said and Harriette shook her head.
"I never found a cabin in the forbidden forest. I found one near the poisoned lake."
"...shit." mom mumbled and I got up from the hospital bed and I stood just an inch away from my mom.
"I knew you were lying. Always pretending to be the good parent. Well piss off!" I shouted and mom looked at me, right im the eye.
"Alright, Harriette Hook, we need to keep you here for observation. And I recommand you to take rest, Harry Hook." the nurse said and Harriette, Cj and I shared a brief look as our mom walked away just like that.

The lost Hook (Harriette Hook) {💯%}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя