[Harry] 3. Sigh

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I was pissed when Fairy godmother walked to me, saying that people have veen worried about me with my obsession about my sister.
"No idea what you're talki g about." I lied and I wanted to walk away but Fairy godmother grabbed my arm.
"And now your honest answer." she said sternly and I sighed.
"You don't even know what it is about."
"Then we are going to talk about it in ny office."
"And what about the physics test?"
Not that I learned for it or cares about it, I was just looking for excuses.
"...I'm going to pretend like you didn't just try that. Now come on." Fairy godmother said and I cursed under my breath.

"So what is going on with your sister?" Fairy godmother asked when we sat down in that bloody office of her.
"She was kidnapped almost ten years ago, when I was eight."
"That's awful. Mind to continue?"
I sighed and looked at her.
"She was being taken away right in front of me, so I did ran after them. I tripped and fell in a delightful puddle of mud. My dad came outside thanks to the noise and I told them where they went and he ran after them, telling me to go inside to my mom and my baby-sister." I said and Fairy godmother looked at me with empathy.
"Did your dad find them?"
"You honestly think we would be having this fucking conversation if he had!?" I almost yelled.
"Don't raise your voice and don't curse either. So it's been ten years, still nothing?"
"I've made maps of the island and my dad and I worked together on it in the beginning. He gave up after two years, I haven't. I'm still working on it. I know she's alive, because when my dad came back the second time... he said he found this shard of my sister's medaillon in an empty building where only a sibgle lightbulb was. So the other part is still with her. Nowhere was ever something seen about the other half. So it is still with her and I will find her."
"Now I understand uma her concerns..." Fairy godmother mumbled.
"I knew 'people' was Uma." I scoffed.
"Alright have you tried to talk to a psychiatric?"
"Excuse me?"
"A taumatic event, losing your sister, has-"
"You think I'm mad? That I'm losing my mind thanks to this? She is alive! She has to be! And I will find her!" I almost yelled as I got up.
"Harry, sit back down." Fairy godmother asked calmly and I shook my head.
"No." I said as I walked to the door.
"If you leave now, there wiĺ be consequences."
"What about personal limits?" I spat and I left.

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