[Harry] 4. Trap

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I walked through the market place as I saw a familiar face. Two actually.
And I knew exactly who they were.
It was busy at the market place so I had a hard time coming closer.
But we locked eyes. This wasn't my imagination.
I saw her. I saw Harriette.
It had to be her.
But then rhe next moment, someone walked by in front of me. And they were gone.
Harriette and the guy who kidnapped her.
"No... No... No!" I yelled with frustration as I looked around.
Did they go that way? Or the other way? Or maybe over there?
No... No... No...
But wait, they meant that she really was alive!
I ran home, knocking at least two kids over... sorry?

"Mom! Dad! I saw Harriette! I really saw her! She's alive!" I yelled when I barged into the house, not caring if Cj would here it.
Both of my parents looked at me in shock... just like Fairy godmother and two men.
"...why is Fairy godmother here? ...and who are they?" I asked with hesitation.
"...honey, listen to me very carefully. This is for your own good, okay?" my mom said and my eyes shot at Fairy godmother and the two men.
"You think I've lost it... You wanna put me in a madhouse!" I yelled.
"It's not a madhouse, just a place where they will help you prpcess the situation with your sister." Fairy godmother said calmly and I looked at my dad.
"You have to believe me, I saw her! I really did! She's alive!"
But my dad refused to look at me and Fairy godmother sighed as she looked at those two men.
"Take him along." she said softly and I looked at my mom pleadingly.
"Please, you have to believe me! I'm not crazy!" I yelled but she also turned away from me.
One of those men grabbed one of my arms and I tried to yank it back.
"Get off me! I'm not crazy! I saw her! She's alive! You have to believe me!" I yelled but both guys now held my arms.
"Please I'm not crazy, I really saw her! She is out there and she needs help!" I yelled.
"No Harry, you need help." Fairy godmother said softly and my dad looked me right in the eye and I looked back.
"She is out there." I said again and my dad looked at those two men.
"Mind if we go to his room for a minute?" he asked and those men kept holding my arms as we walked to my room.
My mom and Fairy godmother followed us with concern.

We stood in my room and my dad stood in front of my wall which had all the maps and clues on it.
My heart almost stopped when he started yanking it all from the wall.
"NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I basically screamed.
My mom looked at my dad and she had one hand on her chest as she had pain in her eyes too.
"It's all wasted time of you, this stupid obsession. Harriette is dead. It has been ten years. GET IT OUT OF YOUR HEAD!" my dad yelled at me and I almost broke down when he took a lighter out of his pocket.
"No, dad... please don't! I'm not crazy... I saw her I really did!" I begged but he burned all of the maps, papers and everything which was on my wall and now on the floor.
Then the utterly worst part, he yanked of the medallion which I was still wearing.
"No!" I said and he looked at those men.
"Now you can take him along."
Tears were burning in my eyes and I looked at my dad.
"You don't even care. You never did!" I yelled and I heared how my mom said;
"James, what if he is right...? Don't you think you've gone too far?"
"He needs to wake up from the bloody dream and stop chasing ghosts!" I heared my dad bark and those two men took me along, with Fairy godmother right behind us.

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