[Harry] 6. What...?

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"Okay, she wasn't at the fallen medbay. If she's not at the clocktower, you know you will follow the program." Fairy godmother reminded me and I nodded.
"Harriette has to be at the clocktower." I stated and I heared fairy godmother sigh.

"Well this was a waste of time." one guard said when we were at the clocktower... which was completely empty.
"Easy money on our pay checks." another guard joked.
"Alright Harry, enough." Fairy godmother said and I shook my head.
"No, she had to be here..."
"Enough. She's not here. Let's go."
I stepped backwards a bit and then I felt something under my shoe.
"What the...?" I mumbled as I turned and I picked it up.
"The other half of Harriette's medallion... It's covered in blood..." I mumbled in terror.
Then I noticed that the blood stained on my hands.
"...and still wett. I was right! She was here! And not long ago..."
"Enough with this madness! You probably cut your hand on that bloody thing yourself, looking for excuses." Fairy godmother said with annoyance.
"No, it's hers. She is nearby, she has to be."
"No." I said and I ran towards the window on the other side of the room, wanting to climb out.
"If you leave now, the guards will  ome after you for a different reason. And there will be consequences." Fairy godmother said with a stern voice.
But I climbed out regardless.

Once I arrived at home, I saw the shock in my mom her eyes.
"What are you doing here!?" my dad barked.
"I-- I found the other half of Harriette's medaillion. At the old clok tower. It was covered in blood and it was still wett but--"
"Not clever to run home." a guard said as he grabbed my arms.
"Please, she is out there. Possibly hurt and maybe even in life's danger." I said and I saw Cj walk into the room.
"What's happening...?" she asked.
"Nothing." Dad snarled.
"Harry... I..." my mom mumbled, unsure what to say.
"Alright, let's get you to jail." the guard said.
"Jail?!" my mom, Cj and I said in shock.
"Running away and deceitfulness towards Fairy godmother." the guard explained and I looked at my mom.
"Please, you have to believe me... I have the medallion part right here!" I said and I managed to get it out of my pocket before the guard took me along... the medallion part had fallen on the floor in front of my mom.

-Harry's mom pov-

I picked the medallion part up and felt the blood on it, which was wett indeed.
"We need to help Harry!" Cj exclaimed.
"No. He screwed up himself." James said.
"Harriette is alive..." I mumbled in disbelief.
"Who's that?" Cj asked.
"No one." James snarled.
"I need to help Harry... Cj, I promise to explain everything, but please stay in your room and lock the door until I come back." I whispered and James certainly wasn't happy.
"She has to be alive." I said as I handed the medallion part to him.
He also noticed that the blood was wett and he sighed.
"She'd be dead before we'd reach her."
"Not if we hurry. Harry needs to get out of jail and then we can find Harriette."
"Fine. Tell Cj to get out of her room, she can help."
"I am going alone to get Harry out of jail. Then we'll come back here. And you leave Cj alone."
"...fine." James snarled.

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