[Harriette] 8. Oh dear

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Harry was discharged yesterday and I was now sitting here on my own.
Cj texted me that she wanted to come by the next day and hoping to talk and spend some time outside the Hook house where mom and Harry would be arguing all the time.
Sadly enough, dad survived somehow and no one even bothered to lock him up.
He was at home too, Cj said he had been hurting Harry and every time mom wanted to help him, Harry pushed her away; rejecting her help.
I believe mom that she had nothing to do with my kidnapping, but Harry doesn't. Maybe I shouldn't either.
My head was pounding but I did reply to Cj that it was fine to come by.
She needed and escape and I wanted to help her.

Cj never showed up and that concerned me.
So despite the fact that the nurses told me to get rest, I managed to sneek out of the hospital.
I needed to know if Cj (and Harry of course) was(/were) okay.

Okay so I wasn't too stable on my feet, but I reached the Hook house.
Yep, walking from the Auradon hospital all the way back to the isle, to the Hook house.
Crazy? No, determination.
I remembered how mom used to hide a key under the hook thingy which was on the door and I got inside of the place.
"OH PISS OFF!" a voice shouted.
"I CAN HANDLE MYSELF, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" mom's voice yelled. Okay so it was definitely Harry who shouted 'oh piss off'...
"FUCK THE BOTH OF YOU! HE SHOT CJ AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE!" Harry's voice shouted and I hurried to them, seeing how Harry held his hands on Cj her stomach to keep pressure on the wound.
I also saw mom with a bruised face and I saw how drunk dad was.
I called 9-1-1 and no one seemed to have noticed me yet.
"WHY DO NONE OF YOU CARE!?" Harry shouted with bloodshot eyes.
And to my annoyance, I couldn't find my phone to call 9-1-1.
"I care Harry, I always have!" I said but he didn't respond to me.
"I can't lose my other sister too..." Harry said softly as he tried to keep Cj awake and my heart dropped.
"I can't lose my other sister too..." echoed in my mind.
I looked at my hands and tried to pick up the nearest thing... my hsnd went right through it.
"Harriette passed in her sleep, because of what your father caused-- He shot Cj-- I didn't harm a single one of you!" Mom said and Harry looked at her as tears were rolling down his cheeks.
"Then why aren't you getting help? BECAUSE YOU DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT US!"
Cj her eyes rolled back in her skull and I saw how she came to me... her soul, her ghost.
"Cj... Cj... stay with me... Please..." Harry mumbled as he was shaking her.
"Dead. Weight. Finally, literally." Dad said and Harry fully broke down.
And the two ghosts, Cj and I, stood there in silence. Looking at the scene...

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