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(The same present day)

I stood up from my place, it was already evening. And we didn't have much customers today. As it was Thursday,because the cafe shop opposite our bakery was open. And customers preferred going there mostly on Thursday.

Before Beth can bombard me with any further inquiry I should assemble everything, count the cash. While Beth was texting someone. My mouth dried speaking this long!

"Let's have a cup of coffee and then we will leave" I said to her from the counter itself. My cup was almost full so I took it with me, while adjusting another cup beneath the coffe machine, and the coffee machine started with its machinery noise. The moment the other cup was ready I took them, arranged them in the tray and again sat back at my place.

"Why didn't you ever try to contact him, after college? Like you should have atleast once tried to tell him your story, your feelings? What if the situation would have been different?" Beth gawked at me.

"What was the need, was there anything still left to be spoken. And I already told you my part of the story, what I felt..what I went through. How can you even think that I will ever want to talk to him about all these things, it would have just given me pain" I replied sipping on my coffee.

"But did you ever try to listen to his part of story?" She snapped back.

I think my crazy Bakery partner got more crazy!

"What his story? His part? Wasn't it clear that he was in love with her..I mean Geena Parker. And it doesn't matter whether I was in love with him or not" I made a bad face.
"And what if I say you really need to listen to my part of story Nutella"

I heard a familiar voice..."Nutella"....my ears were so thirsty to listen to those words since years... But!
Wait a minute! Tyler..that's his voice...??!!!! Am I hearing something uselessly...are my ears ringing?!

I see Beth smiling with her cup placed to her lips.

"Fuck, Beth don't joke and stop making that husky voice and don't call me Nutella...don't act like you are Tyler! Please" I warned her.

"I didn't make any voice" she gave me a look through her innocent puppy eyes.

"Then i might be hearing stuffs" I mumbled.

"No, you aren't, it's me only, Tyler, turn around I am standing at your bakery door"  I heard the voice again.

And as soon as I turned around I was so shocked to find him there, standing at my bakery. It was more than a year since I last saw him. Same messy hairs, those piercing blue eyes, those pink lips and him standing on my doors wearing a red hoodie and blue jeans. Something was happening in the pit of my stomach, it was something I cannot describe in words.

Even after years, he still had the same effect on me. My heart was running like crazy, my heart beats has increased, I can feel a whole zoo inside my stomach instead of the butterflies and a giver ran down my spine. He had the same effect on me even if it's been years of staying apart.

"You, you....why are you here" I said, sadly my first question to him even though I saw him after years, instead of running and hugging him. I was fucking questioning but he has not left any options for me to care for him anymore.

He didn't reply.

"I asked, what are you doing here?" This time I said in a high tone.

"I am here as a customer." He smirked and I cast him a suspicious glance.

"There's no need to stare at me like that Nutella and you can ask Beth?" He said pointing in Beth's direction.

While Beth was smiling.

HEART DESIRES Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang