Patty Wood Got Married (Act 4)

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Patty stands with Camille and Mitchell as she watches with her mouth open as her future husband comes strolling up with her brother-in-law. She could have passed this boy countless times in the hallways at school but never once did she stop and look.

Mitchell looked over at Camille.


"Who invited these two?"


"Patty did, and she never told me why."

Camille and Mitchell both turn and look at Patty simultaneously giving a 'you did it' look.

Patty had been thinking of an excuse to tell her A-list friends on why she made such an unorthodox move.


"Hey, I almost had a near death experience, o.k.? I figured I should at least do something nice for someone else. O.k.?"

Camille and Mitchell shake their heads and can see her point.


"So, is this the Graham you asked for in the hospital?"

Patty tried to quickly dismiss her question and then greet Graham and Neil as they were only a few yards away.


"No... I meant the cracker. Well, hello there. You must be Graham Chase."

Graham and Neil looked surprised at each other to see such a big smile on Patty. Graham simply nodded toward Patty.


"I'm so glad you could make it. These are my friends, Camille Wright and Mitchell Moscarelli."

Camille and Mitchell give a half hearted wave. Graham and Neil smile and wave as well.


"So, Graham is it? Who's your little friend?"

Patty looks over to Mitchell and quietly mouthed 'be nice.'


"Well, you got the little part right... but this is my brother."

Patty gives a full hearted laugh at the not so funny remark. The rest of the four watched as she attempted to recompose herself.


"Yes, of course. Neil. How are you?"

Neil quickly whispered to Graham 'holy cow, she knows my name.'


"How did you know..."

Patty interrupted. Not wanting to answer that question. She looks up and sees some more friends.


"Here comes Tracey Coppal and Howard Pickett. You and Mitchell go say 'hi,' Camille. I want to show Graham and Neil around."

The two proceed to walk away and Graham couldn't take his eyes off of Patty. Patty watched her friends leave and then noticed Graham's stare. Both remained silent looking at each other for five seconds. And Neil broke the ice.


"So, the Pirates look like they have a good team this year."

They both turned to Neil and didn't even know what he just said. After giving a brief tour of the party grounds and pointing out a couple of her relatives, Patty noticed her mother waving her hands, calling her over.


"So, you guys must be hungry. Looks like the food is ready."

She walks the boys over to the table where Camille is seated with her friends.


"You guys can sit here."


"Patty, I'm sorry, but there's only room for one of them."

Patty counts the six seats and the people sitting in them. She sees four of her friends sitting. Camille, Mitchell, Tracey and Howard.


"Musical chairs was never my best game... but I could swear I see two open seats."

Camille gave Patty a serious look.


"Oh, yes, but since you invited someone at the last minute... I took the liberty to invite one more person too."


"Well, who and where is this person?"

Camille looks around and sees a figure off in the distance. He came walking towards the party in jeans and a leather coat. Camille smiles, stands and points at him.


"There he is now."

Camille looks back at Patty with the same smile.


"I invited Tony Poole."

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