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February 7th, 2020

Harlow and Maya had woken up at 7am feeling extremely tired. In a short amount of time they had said goodbye to Harlow's family and were already on their way to the airport.
Going through security surprisingly went by smoothly, up until the point where papparazzi showed up, clicking their cameras at the three that were in front of them.

They boarded the plane successfully, happy that they got rid of the assholes that the papparazzi were.
Sitting down, Harlow was in the middle, while Joe got the window and Maya got the aisle seat. As soon as the plane took off, Joe was fast asleep on Harlow's shoulder.

Maya looked over at Joe, smiling. "Is he asleep?" Harlow looked down at the man on her shoulder and nodded, answering Maya's question. She stroked Joe's hair with her free hand, the guy easing into her touch in his sleep.

"Uhh look I need to go to the bathroom, can you come with me?" Maya looked nervously at Harlow, the girl's eyes slightly widening in suprise and confusion.
Harlow carefully shook Joe. "We're going to the bathroom." she said to him. The guy only nodded, turning over and falling back asleep.
"Alright we can go now." Harlow smiled at Maya.

The two stood up to walk to the bathroom, Maya's heart racing while on Harlow's face remained the same confused look.
As they reached the toilet, Harlow turned to Maya.
"Why did you need me to come with you?" she asked the girl, who reached to the door, opening it.
"I just didn't want to come alone." she answered. "Can you come in with me?"
"But people are gonna look at us wei-" before Harlow could complain, Maya had already pulled her inside, closing the door.

Harlow's eyes widened. "Alright, I guess I'll turn away then."
As Maya had finished her business, washing and disinfecting her hands, Harlow slowly turned back to her, now that she could.
The two were about to exit the restroom when Maya had tripped, falling into Harlow.

The tension in the air could've been cut with a knife, as the women stared at each other's lips. Harlow leaned forward, their lips touching ever so slightly.
"I think we should get back to our seats. Don't you think?" she whispered. Maya didn't take her eyes off of Harlow's lips. Not even for one second. "Mhmm." she hummed, leaning forward as well.

Their lips were now almost in their right positions. As Harlow closed the gap, Maya's eyes widened before she slowly closed them. Every sloppy kissed they shared was followed by another, and by the time they had realized, they were already in the middle of a very heated makeout session.

Harlow snuck her hands under Maya's shirt, grabbing her waist on both sides, her nails digging into Maya's skin.
The woman let out a gasp, sending chills down Harlow's spine. She pulled Maya in, even closer, their bodies fitting perfectly together.
Harlow's back was pressed to the bathroom sink, Maya leaning against her. Maya turned them around in a span of a second.
"Jump." she whispered to the shorter and much lighter girl, who immediately obeyed her command. Maya sat the girl down on top of the sink, once again pressing her body against the other woman's.

"We should get going." Harlow complained, but as Maya began kissing down her neck, she couldn't help but shut her mouth and enjoy the moment.
After Maya had processed what Harlow had said, she slowly pulled her lips away from the girl's skin. "We really should." she said, parting her body from Harlow's, the warmth she felt instantly leaving her body.

They were both panting but gathered themselves as quickly as they could, exiting back into the rows of seats, finding their own.
Harlow sat down next to Joe, the guy once again curling up into her body.
Maya followed her, putting her hand on Harlow's thigh after she sat down.



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