Part 1

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Just a little scene that came to my mind this morning...
Noone: How many BTS tropes can you fit into a oneshot?
Me: Yes.



"Do you have gay porn on your phone?" Taehyung asks with a curious face.

I look at him confused. "Why are you asking me that?"

He just shrugs. "Do you?"

"And what If I do?" I ask back.

"I wanna see."

He tries to grab my phone but I am quicker. I press it to my chest protectively. "No!"

I try to turn away to run down the hallway to my room but he is fast af.

From behind me he has one arm around my shoulders while his other hand tickles my side to make me drop the phone.

I scream and squirm and try to fight back without letting go of my phone.

"Let go Tae. I won't show you"

The loud noises made Yoongi appear in the door of the kitchen.

"Help me Yoongi" i plead.

"What is going on here? I was trying to sleep." he asks without coming to my aid.

Tae stops tickling me but doesn't let go of my shoulders.

"He is being mean." "She has gay porn on her phone and won't show me."

Tae and I say at the same time.

Of course Yoongi only hears what Tae said. He rises an eyebrow at me.

My face turns red-ish from the struggle and the embarrassment of another one of my roommates knowing about my kink. I stop moving all together and lower my gaze to the floor.

"Why won't you show him?" Yoongi steps closer to me. He says it as if it is the most normal thing to have gay porn on your phone when you are a woman in your 20s.

I can feel Tae closely pressed to my back, his heart beating fast and strong in his chest, his bodyheat engulfing me. Yoongi stands quite close infront of me, puts a finger under my chin and makes me look into his face. He looks strict and I know I lost.

"Because he is in it." I whisper.

Tae hears of course and his heartrate increases noticably while Yoongi frowns.

His eyes go to Tae's and then back to mine.

"What do you mean? Where did you find that?" Yoongi says.

"I... It's just... um... online. Somebody drew it. I... It... Sorry. I'm sorry. I'll delete it."

Tae lets go of me finally but doesn't move away. Yoongi's slightly panicked expression vanishes and Tae's shoulders relax a little. "It's a drawing?" Yoongi asks. "Yes." I answer and look between their faces.

The topic seems done for them and they are about to leave. "Wait guys." I quickly say and they surprisingly listen to me. "Are you saying there is... there is real footage of Tae... um.. having sex with another man?" I hold my breath, excited for the answer. I mean... just imagine...

They don't answer or look at me. "Who is it?" I continue, curious now.

With their backs still turned towards me they look at each other for a moment and then just continue on their way out of the kitchen.

I say the first thing that comes to my mind to make them stop again. "Is it you Yoongi? Is that why you know about it?"

Yoongi sighs and turns around to face me when Jungkook appears in the door suddenly. "What does he know about?" he asks cheerfully and walks between Yoongi and Tae into the kitchen to go to the fridge, seemingly unaware of the tension in the room. I won't take my eyes off of Yoongi to somehow will him to answer to Jungkook.

"Your sextape." Yoongi deadpans towards Jungkook while Tae punches his arm. I hear a spitting sound behind me and turn towards JK, who just spit out the banana milk he was drinking straight from the carton from the fridge. I bite my cheeks to stop myself from laughing. This situation is just too funny.

The look Jungkook and Tae share is priceless. "This is getting interesting" I murmur under my breath.  

Just a normal day at the dorm [BTS x reader]Where stories live. Discover now