Part 4

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There is still not much I can do at this point and it has me feeling all kinds of things. Fear? No no really. They would never hurt me. We are friends. Excitement? Yes. That is it. Arrousal? Maybe? Yes? A little? But they don't need to know that.

All I'd need to do would be to kick Hobi away, do a backward roll to surprise Yoongi and sprint across the bed and out the door to the safety of my room.

Since I am neither an action star nor someone with Jimin's martial arts skills I don't do any of that and just lay here like an idiot.

It has only been two seconds since Namjoon called me princess and made the lazy butterflies in my stomach wake up from their slumber. He knows exactly how much I like that nickname. He smirks at me. "Keep an eye on her" he orders Hobi and Yoongi and motions the others over into a corner to have a little chat. Is it just me or does he act like a mafia leader right now?

They are talking about my fate and I know it, but I can't deal with that right now. Not when Hobi and Yoongi suddenly both hover over me, grinning. The upside down grin of Yoongi freaks me out a little, so I concentrate on Hobi. His smile always makes me feel better, but the face I look into now is not that of my sunshine. It is more... devious. "Come on guys, let me go. I'll be good I promise" I beg quietly, only loud enough for those two to hear. "Let's just forget this ever happened, ok?"

They don't seem convinced at all and Hobi looks at Yoongi for a moment and then back at me while shaking his head no. "'M afraid we can't do that. Leader's orders." When did my life turn into a Mafia AU?

When I try to pull my legs up, Hobi casually puts his hands on my thighs. He tsks and I sigh frustratedly.

I don't wanna be punished for watching porn. Everybody does. Yes maybe not porn that involves their friends and roommates for that matter, but... hAvE yOu SeEn ThEsE gUyS?! I couldn't help it. I hope my death is quick and painless.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the door close. A look around the room tells me that Jimin, Tae and Jungkook have left. Fuck! They are the ones I was hoping would help me get out of here. I look up at Namjoon to my left, Jin is sitting in the gaming chair now. I gulp. Namjoon grins.

Before I can daydream about his dimples he comes closer, sits down on the bed next to me where Tae had been a short while ago. He leans in very close to me as if he is going to tell me a secret. When did it get so hot in here?

"Ok, princess. This is what is going to happen..." he starts and I just wanna close my eyes and look at him for eternity at the same time.  


Sooo.... this can go two completely different kinds of ways now...
Let me know, if you want smut or fluff ;)

Just a normal day at the dorm [BTS x reader]Where stories live. Discover now