(the real) Part 5

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I was kidding - this is the real (smutty) part 5 ;)


"Ok, princess. This is what is going to happen..." he starts and I just wanna close my eyes and look at him for eternity at the same time.

Namjoon's hand comes up to my face to swipe a strand of my hair from it. "...since you like to watch men fuck each other so much..." he gives Hobi and Yoongi a little look because what he says now is new to them too. He probably wants to see their reactions as well but I don't dare look away from Namjoon's face, holding my breath. "We decided to give you a live show."

Wait what?
Did he say 'we'?

I am stunned.

"Breathe." he says, looking back at me a few moments later. I forgot I wasn't breathing up until now, so I take in some air through my nose and let it out through my mouth. I can see Hobi and Yoongi exchange a look out of the corner of my eyes but am too focused on breathing and not turning into a tomato at this point. "Where..." My voice cracks so I swallow to moisten my vocal cords. "Where is the catch?"

Namjoon leans back on his heels and his left eyebrow rises, probably surprised I don't object. But why would I? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

"The catch is..." As if on cue the door opens and the maknaes are back. All of them with their hands full. Ropes, gags, condoms and whatnot are thrown onto the bed and my eyes are about to pop out of my skull. My mouth is dry all of a sudden.

Yes there are toys in some of the pictures, but a small part of me still thinks this is a hoax. They are mocking me and try to get me to chicken out and run away probably. Problem is... I am into this kind of stuff. So joke's on them. Right?

"The catch is" Namjoon starts again "you will be tied up while you watch."

I feel all of their eyes on me while I keep my expression as neutral as possible and blink a couple of times. Is this supposed to be a threat? I let my eyes wander from Namjoon to the rope and other toys on the bed and back to Namjoon. I stare into his eyes and try to see if he is serious or not, but I can't. His expression is unreadable. Fuck it!

"Deal." I say dryly.
We'll see who's gonna chicken out in the end.  

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