v. Ass-mbly

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I run through the doors and make my way over to the team, preparing myself to get scolded. I stand next to Chrissy and give her a warm smile, which she returns.

"Hey so since you missed practice this morning, just stand behind on the right me and do whatever I do. Alright?" Chrissy instructs.

"Yea cool." I let out a shakey breath and we all go to our places. Before the music starts I look up to see Robin and give her a nice, big smile, wishing us both luck.

*time skip to after their whole performance blah blah*

After everything's done I escape the over-energetic girls and go sit towards the back of the bleacher's, near where Robin's at. I'm seriously dreading sitting here for a half hour, listening Higgens' god awful speech.

"Hey, nice uh, dance." I feel hot breath on the back of neck. What the hell. I look back to see the long haired metal head smirking at me.

"Jesus christ Eddie. You scared me." I let out a chuckle. Fuck, why does he make me so nervous? I just met him. "You saw all that?"

"Yeah. You got some pretty dope moves." I slap his knee that's by my shoulder and laugh.

"Shut up dude." I pull myself up to sit next to him. We sit listening to whatever new rules Higgens has before he pulls out a blunt.

"How bout we ditch this kiddie show?" I'm about to accept his offer when I remember Dustin's words. "I DON'T WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR EDDIE OR ANY OF THE HELLFIRE CLUB MEMBERS." Ugh, but I can't stand to hear another word come out of Higgens' mouth. But I promised him.

"Uhm, I can't, sorry. I forgot my friend- uhm," I sit for a second trying to come up with an excuse.

"Look, it's alright. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? No! It's just uhm.. Sorry I just don't know how to explain it."

"No it's fine. I get it." He gives a reassuring smile. We keep sitting in silence and I pray this would all end soon. Sadly, it took about 25 minutes for the assembly to end. As soon as we were dismissed, I ran to the nearest restroom.

I quickly slid down the wall and brought my knees to my chest. Why am I so awkward. I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath. Just then someone came in and I quickly stood up.

"Roxy? Roxy, are you ok? I saw you run in here." It was Robin. I release a sigh of relief and walk over to her.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just," I pause for a second to think of the right words. "High school just sucks man." I giggle as she nods and smiles.

"Yeah, it really does." She checks her watch and says, "Hey we should get going; we're gunna be late for first period."

"Oh yeah. I'll, uh, I'll meet you for art later, cool?" She nods and heads out, before I head my own way to biology.

*time skip to the end of 3rd period (art)*

I'm sitting in the back next to Robin, who's sketching out something on her canvas. "Is that supposed to be Vickie?" I giggle looking at her poorly drawn face, if that's what you can even call it.

"Hey, don't laugh! At least I can draw a bowl of fruit!" She laughs, bringing up how I had failed miserably last year to draw a bowl with a banana, orange, and grapes for our end of the year project. "I still don't know how you made those grapes look like an elephant"

I throw a paintbrush at her while laughing. "Whatever dude." The bell rings and everyone rushes out to go to lunch. I help Robin clean up before we head out and make our way to the cafeteria. "Hey Ima go save us a table ok?" I head inside the lunch room and spot Max.

"Hey mayfield." I sit down across from her to face all the other tables.

"Oh, hey." She continues to read whatever book she was reading.

"Not hungry?" She shakes her head no. "How's English class? Mrs. Culvinksy still a bitch?"

"Yeah, she's making us do an essay on how our summer was." A pit filled in my stomach.

"Oh. Did you ask her if you could.. you know, skip it?"

"I did, but she insists on me writing it."

"Maybe you can ask Ms. Kelly if she could talk to her about it." Speaking of Kelly, I remembered I have to see her again on Friday.

"You're right. Plus I have to see right after this so."

"Oh that's good." I notice the cafeteria is mostly full now. Just then a tray plants right next to me and Robin sits down.

"Gosh, why is the lunch line so long now? Since when are people actually hungry for this shit?" She hates waiting for her food.

"You know, we're seniors."

She stuffs her mouth with mashed potatoes before saying, "Yeah and?"

"Ew dude," I put my hand over her mouth while laughing. "Sooo, we can easily leave to go eat somewhere else. Like Burger King or some shit"

"Same shit, I still gotta wait for my food. Plus, I have to rush to eat so I don't get back late for history." She begins eating god knows whatever mush they served today. Me and Max groan as we watch her eat. "What."

"Alright I'm heading out before I throw up from seeing you eat.. that." Max gets up leaving me alone with Robin. My eyes scan the room, landing on the Hellfire's table. As I'm observing them, my brown eyes lock with their "master's" brown eyes. Was he watching me, too? And how long? We keep making eye contact for a minute or two, and he narrows his eyes, as if he was asking the same things I was wondering.
(i know Dustin's eyes are like a really pretty blue so i'm letting him be the sibling with the pretty eyes so we're stuck with brown)

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear, "GOD I AM STUFFED." Robin burps out. "Oops, sorry." I shift my attention to her, scrunching up my face and giggling.

*mini time skip*

The bell rings and most of the kids rush to their next class, while others take their sweet time. Robin stands up to go throw away her trash and I follow her.

"Ugh I have Mr. Kooks right now. I guess I'll see you at work later?"

"Mhm. See ya." I make my way over to Dustin so we can walk over together. I see him talking to Eddie with his back facing my direction. I quietly sneak up behind him and put my finger up to my lips, signaling Eddie to not say anything. He looks at me and smirks before looking back down at Dustin.

"So are you gunna want me to-"

"AHOY THERE DUSTERS," I slap my hands onto his shoulders as he lets out a high pitched scream, "WOULD YOU LIKE TO DREADFULLY SET SAIL WITH ME ON THIS BOAT TO OUR SPANISH CLASS?"

"FUCKING HELL, ROXY. NO, I'M NOT WALKING TO CLASS WITH YOU." He picks up his bag and stomps off to his class while me and Eddie laugh at him.

"Holy shit that was fucking amazing! Did you hear his scream?!" We both hold our stomach due to the pain of laughing.

"He sounded like little girl!" We stand there laughing for a few more minutes before realizing we're late. "Shit we gotta go." I let out a few small chuckles picking up my backpack and putting it on.

"Or we could just skip and hang out in the woods?" He has a little glimmer in his eye that enchants me.

"I can't. Dustin wouldn't like it if we hung out-"

"Who cares? Are you really going to let your younger brother control you?" He slowly picks up my hand and holds it, swinging it back and forth. I look around to see the room empty of students.

I sigh, rolling my eyes before making a decision. "Fine!" He gives me a toothy smile before dragging me out of the building and leading me into the woods, both of us giggling like little kids. "I swear Munson if we get caught-"

"We won't! Calm down, I've been doing this since middle school." We continue running through the field before slowing down to a walk and dropping our hands to our sides.

I finally uploaded chapter 5 guys 😨😨
ngl slowly running out of ideas already but dw chapter 6 and 7 are in the making and hopefully soon to being edited

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