Chapter Four

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"Class, today our lesson is on blah blah blah blah.

I tuned Mr.M out, to tired to listen to him drone on and on about today's lesson. I could feel myself sinking into a dark abyss of sleep..........

Thump thump thump 

My eyes opened to see a very angry Mr. Meyers hovering over me.

"Young lady, I never have to get on to you for misbehavior, other than running in the hall. Here I am trying to introduce Mr. Rave and Mr. Larsen and I'm interrupted by your snoring!" Mr. Meyers yelled. I felt my face heat up.

"Sorry sir," I mumbled.

"It's not my problem, it's yours. Unless you want detention, I suggest you pay attention for the rest of class. You will be responsible for showing these boys around." He said.

My head shot up to the two boys in the front of the room, laughing at me along with the rest of the class. I could have fainted from embarrassment. Instead, I fainted for a different reason. A tall dark haired boy with golden eyes locked eyes with me, the guy from my dreams. He mouthed, "Angel."

"Is she dead?" 

My eyes shot open and I glared at the idiot who said that. Much against my pounding head's will, I stood up. 

"Mr. Meyers?" I looked around for him.

"He ran to get the nurse. Alright there Angel?" A deep voice spoke down to me. 

I looked up to see the boy again. In all my confusion, I did the only thing that came to mind. I punched him. "WHO ARE YOU!?" I screamed.

"Ms. Serene, enough! How dare you use violence against another student in my room. Mr. Rave, Nurse Riley will take you to her office.. In the hall now young lady!" Mr. Meyers yelled at me.

I felt my classmates eyes burn into my back as I shuffled out of the classroom, looking up at him, Pier Rave. His beautiful golden eyes held fury that made me go cold. Yeah, when things freak me out, I get violent. And seeing the boy from my dreams at night was definitely  a freak out situation.

"Kitten." Mr. M looked at with expectant eyes.

"I- I don't know what just happened," He looked at me suspiciously.

"Is your head okay?" He asked sounding like my usual teacher once more.


"Your head. From the fall."

"Oh, um, I'm fine." My mind begged to differ.

"Well, You will not be suspended. I think you just hit your head to hard. As long as Mr. Rave doesn't press charges, you will be clear. Ms. Serene, I don't know what has happened this morning. You fell asleep in my class, you fainted for no clear reason, and you punched a fellow, new student in the jaw. Mr. Rave has just moved from Chicago to Florida. Tell me, what has he done to you for you to assault him like that?" He asked.

Assault. My jaw ticked and anger coursed through my veins. This was not normal. He was not normal and he was doing something to me. Assault my ass. "I'm sorry sir, this will not happen again."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "It better not."

Class went by quickly, with questioning looks thrown my way. I released a long breath of air when Lunch bell rang, running quickly to my tree with my lunchbox in hand.

"I heard you punched the new kid." Jason's voice startled me. I choked on my sandwich  a little.

"Where'd ya hear that?" I said huffing.

"Gage. He was all about it. Telling everyone. Only cause his girls' are going after him and his new friend," Jase rolled his eyes, "So, how hard did he step on your tail for you to get all feisty on him?" He asked.

"I am not 'feisty'. Besides, I never said I punched him. You know Gage always talks crap." I huffed again. 

"Yeah, but you wouldn't be getting all huffy on me if you hadn't punched him."

I tried to kill him with my eyes. He raised his arms "Never mind. Oh, by the way, wear something nice tonight. Don't forget I'll be by at seven."  Jase ruffled my hair and walked away.

"Hmmm." A voice said next to me. I looked over to see the guy introduced as Mr. Larson earlier.

I looked over at him, surprised at his sudden abruptness.

"The names Tailor." He said showing me two perfect rows of white.

"Kitten." I replied.

He cocked his head, "What, no apology for punching my friend earlier?" 

My mouth opened, "I-"

"Joking." Tailor said cutting me off. "Trust me, he probably deserved it."

"Oh." I said, "Well, I wasn't really in my right mind."

"Sure you were. Anyone would have freaked when seeing something they only thought was a figment of their imagination." He rolled his eyes, "Pier is to sudden and forward, at least should have explained the situation to you. Ah well, to late for that right?" He gave me another beach boy smile. 

I stared at him, " How did you kn-" 

"Yeah, that's my cue. Nice to meet you Ms. Keylime Serene." Tailor interrupted walking away. Not for the first time today, I thought I would faint. My wobbly legs shook as I threw the rest of my lunch in the trash. 

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