Chapter Seven

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My eyes opened to a dark ceiling. I checked my watch, Nine PM. My stomach growled alerting me that I had failed to feed it any today. I felt too sick to eat when I thought back to the sound of Pier's voice in my mind. Maybe I was crazy, but crazy people don't stop to ask themselves that right? I rolled my eyes and imagined this morning had all been a dream. A very unforgettable one. 

After some munching of saltine crackers, I chilled on the sofa scrolling through T.V. channels. I stopped at one that sounded interesting enough.

A man was following her home. She knew who it was. The dangerous likes of Kane Darian. A beautiful man who's interest was only in the woman in front of him, Lucile Lovett.

"Why are you following me?" Lucile asked. She knew  the rich and powerful man always got what he want, and he seemed to want her.

He smirked,"My darling, I just want to make sure you make it safely home."

When they arrived at her house, she invited him for a sup.

"My, you are a wonderful cook Lucile."

She blushed,"Thanks."

When they had finished cleaning up, he leaned in and kissed Lucile. As their lips touched, there was a spark. Kane's eyes grew dark, and he growled.

Lucile screamed, but Kane cut her off with a kiss. 

"We are meant to be together."

I almost changed the channel. Almost.

"How?" She asked

"You are my mate."

Mate. The word Pier had said earlier. 

"What is a mate?" Lucile asked, frightened.

"Someone that is bound to you  in ways more powerful then you will ever understand. They are the one person you will ever love, and who will truly love you."

She looked up at him with round eyes,"We are meant for each other?"

He nodded."Lucile, you are my one true love. But with that, comes a price."

"A price?"

"I am  a werewolf."

I cut the T.V. off. The whole scene had a thought nagging in the back of my head. Mate? Werewolf? Growling and Dark eyes? The whole thing was absurd, just a movie. Yet, it was all too familiar.

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