Chapter Eleven

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Morning was awkward. I don't really know what I expected. Maybe to role over, look into his eyes and have one of those romantic staring contests they did in the movies? No. I woke up, ready to start the day only to find Pier passed out on the floor. I realized with a giggle that I must have kicked him during the night. I got up and tried to tiptoe around him. It might have worked if I weren't so clumsy. No, we really didn't have any romantic morning moments unless you count Pier having a hissy fit when my butt landed on his face. 

"I really am sorry, you know," I said after a few minutes of silence.

"Sohksh dojsant makf the paik stok," Pier grumbled through an ice pack.


He took off the pack, "Sorry doesn't make the pain stop."

I rolled my eyes,"Well what do you want me to do? Kiss your boo boos and hope the pain goes away?"

"Pwease?" He gave me a weird dying puppy face.

"Okay, If you insist."

He raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

"No." I scowled. I got up and went to the fridge to look for something yummy. The smooth black heavenly doors stood in front of me and my tummy growled in anticipation. I yanked open the fridge and shuffled through the Raves' food supplies. They had a lot of canned stuff, and food that shouldn't expire for about a year. I disappointingly grabbed some canned corn and headed to the table Pier was at. The ice pack was off his face and the former black bruise under his eye and cheek had disappeared completely. I sat down gaping.

"Werewolves heal fast and have a higher pain tolerance," Pier explained.

"Well that explains why you cried like a baby over a little bruise."

Pier glared at me, "It's not my fault you have a bony butt."

I laughed, "I'm through with you and this can of corn," I scooped out a handful of corn a fung it at Pier's face.

Pier ran to the fridge, "Kitten, I don't think you know what you've just started." 

"Oh trust me, it won't be hard taking down a wi-" I was cut off by something cold smacking my face. Peas! Gross.

"Hey, no using werewolf speed, doggy boy!" I angrily shouted at the empty spot Pier had occupied a few seconds ago. I looked around the kitchen to see him sitting on the counter, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

With my newly required fast reflexes fueled by anger, I threw as big of a fistful of corn I could get straight at his perfectly combed hair. Surprisingly the corn was in agreement with me and landed on his face (and eyes) before he could use his wolfie actions to get away. The look on his face was priceless, and full of corn of course.

"Meow," I yelled over my shoulder, running towards his fridge. I got my finger on some expired milk, Pier had disappeared and I stood with the milk jug in my hands waiting for him to pop up and throw some other sort of vegetable at my face. I smirked as I saw a flash of black hair from behind the counter top. If I could just walk over and...

"WOOF!" A laughing Pier threw chunks of... a fruit? At my face. Instead of getting angry and screaming at him about his unfair doggy powers, I willed the tears to come to my eyes. 

"OW Pier, that really hurt!" I sniffled as hot tears fell onto the floor. I dropped dramatically to the ground and began to let out loud, hysteric, sobs. 

"Angel I'm so sorry, are you okay? Is there anything I can get you? I swear I didn't mean to hit you that hard. I'm so sorry, don't die on me love." As soon as my cries reached his wolf ears I was swamped by his arms and frantic yelling. Now I feel bad... dying? Seriously? If I hadn't been so competitive my actions wouldn't have been that of scrambling out of his arms, dumping the chunky milk on his head, and screaming, "I'm alive and not that fragile you sexist idiot!"

I'll admit that I've never regretted something as much as this before. I don't know if it was the pathetic heartbroken look on his smelly-milk drenched face or the fact that I used the whole soulmate thing horribly against him. He was upset, and not in the usual angry way where he looked like a murderous demon looking for revenge. Nope- he gave me this look like I had drowned his favorite cookie in a muddy lake, his eyes were sad and disappointed. 

Jeez, I didn't know it was that serious. I looked back at the betrayed expression on his face, the hopelessness and despair etched into one long tragic, and so overly dramatic look.

BAM! I screeched at the sudden loud noise. Pier began laughing hysterically and I looked around in confusion... what did he do? My eyes flew around the room until I got to see chunks of watermelon flying towards me in slow motion.


"How was I supposed to know you were allergic? Damn, Keylime you need to tell me these things!" Pier sat in this totally ugly hospital chair.

"Sho Shory yoush bashrd." My face was a little puffy but the swelling had gone down considerably. Unfortunately, my pitiful cheeks prevented me from sounding sarcastic and itchy-b-ish.

Cliffy sorta? So it took me a while but all of the votes and comments inspired me SO much to keep going. Thanks for the support guys, I had actual tears in my eyes. I love all the criticism and compliments. Keep em' coming Freelanders! 


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