Chapter Ten

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Please help me cast a actress/actor for Kitten, Pier, and a few other characters. Comment your thoughts below please.


Kitten's POV

My face turned red. No one could see because of the dark night, but I could feel the heat travel down my face and towards my neck. It was embarrassing to be caught in Pier's lap by Tailor. Heck, I was embarrassed myself for even sitting in his lap in the first place, and then proceeding to argue. I do admit though, I was quite comfortable and not ready to get up. 

Pier looked between Tailor and I, face flushed red. He began to get up, and instead of prying me off his lap he picked me up with him. On instinct my legs wrapped around his waist, my hands around his neck. There was a long silence that followed, and we stood there like idiots basking in the awkwardness. Until, of course, I started laughing. Uncontrollable giggles rose from my mouth and I didn't try to stop them.

'Look at Tailor's face, twisted in confusion. Not such a pretty boy with that expression!' I giggled more at the thought.

"Um.... Maybe you should take her to bed. It's late and I think the lack of sleep is getting to her..." Tailor mumbled off incoherently.

Pier looked down at me. "Your house or mine?"

"House? Are we leaving?" I said, my giggles subsiding.

"Yeah," He growled annoyed,"Let me take you home.We can't stay out here all night"

"No, I want to go to your house," I said to him. His look of shock matched my emotions. I really did want to go to his house but I hadn't meant to say it aloud.

"Really?" His voiced sounded almost accusing.

"Yes, lets go I'm getting cold."

"What about your parents? School?" Pier sounded confused.

"Look, I'll take care of that. Gran won't mind and I'm not going to school tomorrow, I'm sick." Wasn't Pier happy that I wanted to come over?

"Wait, you're ill?"

I smacked him in the chest,"I'm skipping with you dumbass. Now lets go before I changed my mind." I scowled at the idiot, annoyed.

He did the unimaginable: Mr. Pier Rave gave me a sincere grin. "Just joking Angel. Now as much as I enjoy you wrapped around my front," He gripped my legs harder,"Your going to have to get on my back."

"Whoopee!" I jumped off of him grinning, "Okay doggy, turn all furry so I can ride you like a pony!" I bounced on the balls of my feet, getting excited.

"I didn't say we were going wolf form," Pier said smirking. I glanced behind him, an amused Tailor watching the whole scenario.

I growled at him, "And I didn't promise I was coming over either."

His smirk dropped, "Alright my kitten, just don't pull on my fur too hard." He grumbled the last part. I watched him enchanted, as his bones began to crunch and pop. Dark fur spread throughout his body, clothes ripping and face twisting. It was beautiful, in a sick way. But it was over almost as soon as it started. I gawked at the massive wolf before me, only recognizing the bright and familiar gold eyes, and the signature smirk of course. 

I turned towards Tailor, "Are you coming with? We can have a movie night!" I ignored Wolfie's growl.

"Nah," Tailor gave me a sideways smile, "I have to go take charge of the pack house while master here is taking a vacation."

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