Full Chapter Eight

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I couldn't stop thinking of Pier. 

It was a simple, stupid fact, and I hated it. I wanted to say I hated him, but I knew I didn't. Cold hard truth. Maybe it was because he was intriguing. You know? Mysterious, hot, and a freak in some strange attractive way. "They're dangerous." Gage and Jace's words also rang in my ears. Pier and his sidekick Tailor were a puzzle. A puzzle I was going to solve.


"Tai Tai wait up!" I called to Tailor. 

"Tai Tai?" He gave me a pleased smile. 

"Yeah, What do you have first hour? I'll walk you." What better way to figure out they're dark secret than befriending one of them? I felt so smart.

Tailor gave me another slightly confused smile, "I'm in your class. Meyer's math right?"

Crap."Yup! Come on, got your stuff?"

His grin widened,"I knew you were a cool girl Kitten."

I smiled up at him, finding his company quite enjoyable. He led me to math and pulled me up a chair next to him. And Pier.

I smiled over at Pier, looking straight into his unnerving gold eyes,"I don't think we've had a proper introduction. Keylime Serene. You can call me Kitten." He raised his eyebrows at me, the corners of his mouth tilted up, and lifted my hand to his mouth.

"Pleasure to meet you, Angel."

I turned towards the board, pretending not to notice the fiery tingles spreading across my skin. Tailor looked over at me with a smirk, but I ignored him too. Mr. M had us righting down multiple algebraic expressions, and throughout the whole note -taking session, I felt tingles across my arm and shoulder where Pier's arm would brush against me. Butterflies filled my tummy, and It was all I had not to gasp whenever that happened. It was as if we were connected somehow.

I snapped. "Cut it out!" I whisper shrieked at him.

"This?" His hand touched my arm, leaving a trail of tingles.


"Ha. I'm as stuck with this as much as you are" His eyes darkened a minute, before he shrugged and continued his work. Where's the chapter on Boy's and Mixed Signals? I sighed. 

You would think with Pier and I having all of these weird connections, I would have noticed by now that I had 3rd hour French with him. God must hate me when he had Mrs. Laseur assign us partners on our project. It went a little like this:


I jumped through Mrs. Laseur's closing door just as the bell went off. She gave me a tight smile as I made my way to an open seat. When I noticed it was next to Pier, I very discreetly moved to an open seat I saw was next to my bud, Colin. I could feel Pier's piercing gaze in the back of my head until our lesson started. 

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