cure for sins

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Some sins are such that by discarding them no harm and anxiety is caused, e.g. shaving the beard, covering the ankles, etc. These sins which causes no difficulty by discarding them should be stopped immediately.

Other sins are such that by discarding them anxiety and uneasiness results. Regarding such sins I usually say that leave them gradually. Although there is no hope of leaving them immediately, the intention should be to eventually leave them.

In fact, if the person applies too much pressure on himself to leave it, he will not leave it for his entire lifetime.

I also explain another method of leaving sin. Before sleeping and after locking the doors of your house (at night), daily make Du'aa unto Allah Ta'aala and say:

"Wallaah! I am truly most wretched, unworthy and vile." Use the most severe words for yourself and thereafter say: "O Allah! My courage is insufficient to leave these sins, so You assist me!"

Adopt this method and in one or two weeks (in a short space of time) all sins will be discarded Insha Allah, but no one is prepared to try this!

It is like a student who doesn't memorize his lesson and tells the teacher to memorize it himself!

Ml Ashraf Ali Thanwi رحمه الله

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