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Allah says in the Glorious Qur’aan:

‘And awake for optional prayer (tahajjud) during some part of the night. It may be that your Lord will raise you to a station of praise and glory.’ (17:79)

In another aayah Allah says:

‘Their limbs forsake their beds to cry unto their Lord in fear and hope.’ (32:16)

Hadhrat Aishah reports that the messenger of Allah stood up at night to such an extent that his feet Mubarak became swollen. I asked why he did so when his former and latter sins had been forgiven. He replied, ‘should I not be a grateful servant?’ (Bukhari)

Hadhrat Abu Ayyub Ansari reports that when the messenger of Allah entered Madinah Munawwarah from amongst other things he first said (words to the effect), ‘one who stands for prayer whilst others are asleep will be entered into jannah with peace.’ (Tirmidhi)

Hadhrat Abu Umamah states that the messenger of Allah said, ‘be constant in spending the night in worship for it was the habit of the righteous before you. It is a means of proximity to your Sustainer. It is an expiation for sins, and it prevents sinning.’ (Tirmidhi)

Hadhrat Abu Maalik Ash’aari states that the messenger of Allah said, ‘there are rooms in paradise whose outer can be seen from inside and whose inner can be seen from outside, Allah prepared them for he who feeds, spreads the salaam and offers salaah at night when the people are asleep.’ (Ibne Hibban)

Hadhrat Umar bin Absa states that the messenger of Allah said, ‘Allah is very near His servants during the final portion of the night – therefore if you are able to have your name written among the xhakireen at that time, then don’t be negligent.’ (Ibne Khuazaimah)

Hadhrat Abdullah states that the messenger of Allah said, ‘the high merit of getting up for prayers at night, over the prayers of the day is like the superiority of giving sadaqah secretly over the giving of sadaqah in public.’ (Tabrani)

Allah says in the Glorious Qur’aan:

‘And awake for optional prayer (tahajjud) during some part of the night. It may be that your Lord will raise you to a station of praise and glory.’ (17:79)

In another aayah Allah says:

‘Their limbs forsake their beds to cry unto their Lord in fear and hope.’ (32:16)

Hadhrat Aishah reports that the messenger of Allah stood up at night to such an extent that his feet Mubarak became swollen. I asked why he did so when his former and latter sins had been forgiven. He replied, ‘should I not be a grateful servant?’ (Bukhari)

Hadhrat Abu Ayyub Ansari reports that when the messenger of Allah entered Madinah Munawwarah from amongst other things he first said (words to the effect), ‘one who stands for prayer whilst others are asleep will be entered into jannah with peace.’ (Tirmidhi)

Hadhrat Abu Umamah states that the messenger of Allah said, ‘be constant in spending the night in worship for it was the habit of the righteous before you. It is a means of proximity to your Sustainer. It is an expiation for sins, and it prevents sinning.’ (Tirmidhi)

Hadhrat Abu Maalik Ash’aari states that the messenger of Allah said, ‘there are rooms in paradise whose outer can be seen from inside and whose inner can be seen from outside, Allah prepared them for he who feeds, spreads the salaam and offers salaah at night when the people are asleep.’ (Ibne Hibban)

Hadhrat Umar bin Absa states that the messenger of Allah said, ‘Allah is very near His servants during the final portion of the night – therefore if you are able to have your name written among the dhakireen at that time, then don’t be negligent.’ (Ibne Khuazaimah)

Hadhrat Abdullah states that the messenger of Allah said, ‘the high merit of getting up for prayers at night, over the prayers of the day is like the superiority of giving sadaqah secretly over the giving of sadaqah in public.’ (Tabrani)

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