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Bismihi Ta'ala

Hazrat Ml Abdul Hamid Is'haq Sahib

daamat barakātuhum


Now let us consider a few examples of purdah (hijab) of women.

To protect milk and meat from the cat and money from the crooks, so much precaution is taken.

When in fact money, meat and milk cannot fly, so how much more should not the women be protected from the enemy.

The evil people will even get tempted by the mere looks or dressing of women.

If one hundred thousand rands is stolen but after sometime returned, it will be just as dear to one, but if one's wife is missing for an hour or two and she cannot explain her absence, the rest of one's life will be Jahannam.

Valuable treasures, gold, silver etc. are kept in a safe. Nobody objects to it.

It is the right thing to do but when women are kept safely in the house or behind the veil, then it is objectionable.

Is the value of our women less than milk, meat or money?!

The problem is we have forgotten our true values - values of lslam, by the various propaganda machines of the west from kindergarten till university and we have imbibed animal values from magazines etc. to television.

May Allâh Ta'ala save us

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