"Why me?"

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"Why me?"

By Maulana Khalid Dhorat

Once we realise that our attitude in life should be of constant gratitude and indebtedness to the Almighty, then we need to realise that the Almighty will always be reminding us to show gratitude to Him and to turn to Him for help all the time. The Almighty will create tragic, unfortunate and undesirable situations in our life - as a mercy to us, - in order to teach us gratitude for our times of happiness, prosperity and health. It will also to tell us silently in our hearts: "You forget that I'm still in control. You took a wrong off-ramp on the highway. Now it's time for you to get back on again."

Let us read the above two point at least thrice, and let this philosophy of life drench our souls. In it lies the key to our eternal bliss in both the worlds. Accepting the fact that mishaps and problems in life is a sign of the Almighty's mercy leads to strengthening our bond with Him. This is true happiness. True happiness is not possessing the temporary goods of the world, it's having a relationship with the Only Eternal Power in this universe - and He is our Lord, the Almighty

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