Don't Lose Out

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Don’t Lose Out

Hazrat Moulana Zulfiqaar Ahmad Naqshbandi (daamat barakatuhum) mentioned: At the time of iftaar Allah Ta‘ala grants the fasting person whatever he/she asks for. However if someone doesn’t ask then what will he/she receive? Unfortunately this is the condition of many of our mothers and sisters that they get so occupied in preparing the food and setting the dastarkhaan/table, that they need to be informed that iftaar time has already set in and they should break their fast. Their example is like an employee who completed his work but when the employer asks him how much he wants, he forgets to ask. What greater negligence can there be than this? The women should have everything ready half an hour before iftaar, and this last half hour should be spent on the musalla instead of being in the kitchen, cooking or frying something. The women should gather all the children and make du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala. Even the small children should be told to raise their hands and make du‘aa. It is possible that Allah Ta‘ala will have mercy on these sinless children raising their hands and will accept your du‘aas. If for some reason a woman has to be in the kitchen at that time and she is the only woman in the home, then she can make du‘aa from her heart without raising her hands. She will also be regarded as one who is asking. (Barakaate Ramzaan, pg. 164)

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