Thinking Bad Of others

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Majlis 19/04/15 by Molana Arif db.

Molana was reading from "illnesses of the heart and its cures" it's by Hz Mol Abrarul Haq Saheb rah and the topic was about gheebat and bad ghumani ( thinking bad about others)

Hz says that gheebat has become so common that even those people who are considered by others as being religious and pious fall into it..people look for the faults of others just to prove or show that they are better than others...

then he further explained that the main foundation for quarrels and fights amongst people and the cause of restlessness and grief of the heart is generally due to gheebat and bad ghumani..these are the causes of all fights quarrels etc tht to think bad about the other person..and because we don't make tazkiyah of our hearts from this illness whatever other person says or does we take it to have the worst possible meaning..and that's bad ghumani..

So what's the punishment for bad ghumani,Hz mentions for every instance you had bad ghumani you will be asked regarding it on the day of Qiyamat and not only that but it will be demanded from you that you thought such and such about this person at such and such a time now bring the daleel for what you thought, and that also what kind of daleel, a share'e daleel that willbe accepted according to Quraan and what is a person going to do then? And if there's on doesn't bring daleel then he will be thrown in Jahannam..May Allah save us..Ameen

On the other hand the person who has husne dhan then even if the action outwardly it may be a sin but to think good and say perhaps there is some reason which I don't know about I only see from the outside and there must be a valid reason that is why I won't look down so for having husne dhan immediately a person gets ajar and no daleel will be asked so this is free thawab!

So Hz sys this is foolishness that without daleel u get free rewards and a person leaves it out and instead does bad ghumani then gets himself arrested in the court of Allah and he's asked for a daleel and he can't even provide it!so make this muraqabah what daleel will I present on the day of Qiyamah???what will I answer..and infact Allah has mentioned both these illnesses in the Quraan..and Allah in the middle of these two also commanded that don't spy on others to try and find out their illnesses or their faults and in the end Allah commanded His servants to stay away from all such sins that already shows the severity of these sins..and in the Hadeeth Nabi صلى ألله عليه وسلم has mentioned that "dhan"making badd ghumani this is the biggest of the person gets the sin of bad ghumani and sin of lying too..

Then mol mentioned a story from the Maarif e mathnavi of Hakeem Jaalenoos.he was a very famous and very pious doctor infact he was the most famous Hakeem in the Muslim once Hakeem Saheb told his friends that go to my medicine stock and get me such and such a the friends said Hz this is the medicine that you give to mad the Hakeem said that a mad man was looking at me while I was walking on the street and for 1hour that mad man was looking at me and smiling at me,and then he's started pointing towards me then he tore his sleeves at this the Hakeem got worried saying that if I wasn't the same as him,meaning if there was sign of madness in me then where would this person look at me like this for so long..he's looking at me indicates that there is madness in me he further said that when does a bird fly except it flies with its own this shows that people in line to those that are similar to them so he meant that if this mad person was inclined to me that means that I'm the same as summary if there is one quality or a few qualities which are shared amongst 2 people so it is this similarity which makes to people friends or inclined to each other or have affinity or like each other this shows that there is some quality that both of them the friends were wondering which quality was similar between the mad man and the they made both of them sit together and observed them closely so they found out that both of them had one limb this was the similarity and that's why there was affinity between the two..

Hz Hakeem Akhtar Saheb says that from this incident we learn that when a person meets pious people then he becomes happy or when pious people meet him then they become happy,than the person should make shukr to Allah as this is a very good sign..meaning that the quality shared between the 2 is the natural piety,the love for deen,the love for Alalh and good deed and those are the causes of the affinity..even though the Amal of the other person are still not right but because of that affinity that is a very good sign..and also it shows that the person has the potential of becoming pious that's why the pious like meeting such a person and the person also likes sitting in the company of the pious,.

And if a person goes and meets an evil person as far as deen is concerned and he becomes happy in their presence and company or an evil person becomes happy on meeting him and likes to sit in his company and these people aren't even worried about their Islah then he should understand that there must be some evil quality in him also,even if outward the person is pious but because evil people are inclined towards him then that shows there is some evil quality in him also..

Also a if a person outwardly is religious but his time is spent with those people who are inclined to the Dunya or they are his companions and he does not meet them so that he may rectify them or admonish them (his niyyat is not that) but only meets them to feel happy at heart enjoy their good company and as a pass time he spends time with them then that person is a also inclined to the world at heart..that's why Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم also mentioned that a person is on the religion of his best friend ..Hz then further writes if you want to know the kind of person someone is then look at his close friends,people with whom the person spends time with..

Same way if a person is greedy for dunya but isn't able to get it then whenever dunya mentioned then the person listens with greedy ears and he is very active in that conversation as love for dunya is hidden in his heart and when he looks at dunya then looks at it with greedy the same way a person who is greedy for Akhirat but due to some reason he is not able to do those aamal or maybe because of being weak he isn't able to do those aamal eg waking up for tahajjud. And whenever he sees those who are doing that aamal then he looks at them with eyes of greed,greed for Akhirat and when the Auliyaa are mentioned then he is very active in such conversations and he listens attentively with greed because there is greed for Akhirat in his this is a measuring stick for all of in summary keep companionship of the pious and their piety will come into u..

Then finally a story of a woman who cried in the court of Hz says that there was a woman whose children never used to stay alive..some illness would occur and they would die 6 months after they were born..and only those people who have experienced their child passing away in infancy can tell us of the's very painful for the like that this poor mothers 20 children reached the grave..each one after the other..(if we put ourselves in that woman's shoes) so the flame of the grief over these children started burning in her,and she got up in the middle of the night and she cried infront of Allah and she expressed her grief and blood of her liver she presented Infront of Allah,that pain she was going through she expressed it to Allah and she cried herself of to's he saw a dream that she's walking into Jannat and there she saw a very beautiful and big palace on which her name was written and seeing jannat and the gardens and noor of jannat this woman couldn't control the Angels told her in the dream while she was there in jannat oh woman this naemat that you are seeing is attained after big big aamal and Ibadat and effort and sacrifice but because you were lazy to do Ibadat and you couldn't reach this level through Ibadat so for this reason Allah gave you these difficulties in dunya and you made sabr and you attained this jannat and she saw all her children there in jannat also so she said Oh Allah these children had become hidden in my eyes but they weren't hidden from Your eyes,oh My Rabb if u keep in this condition for 100 and 100 of y ads that then I won't feel sadness anymore but infact even more than this make my blood flow I will be happy with that as these bounties are much much more then my patience..SubhanAllah you know when I heard this story I thought Allah what are our trials? And it teaches us to cry to Allah..may Allah give me tawfeeq first and all of us also,Ameen..

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