The Start Of Everything

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I've always been weird. Not the bad kind of weird...well at least to me...some people might not agree.

I always saw the world differently from others and that's why I would say I was the way I was. I called myself free spirited because of my carefree and bubbly personality. Like for real, nothing ever got me down. In every bad aspect of my life, I've always looked on the bright side of things. Don't get me wrong, I do feel pain and disappointment like everyone else, but it's just that I only feel it for a few minutes then I'm over it. And that is why I see everyone as my friend because I don't hate or hold grudges over anyone. You see? Weird. I know. I've tried to hate and hold grudges but I just can't. This makes my family, especially my mother and brothers so angry, because some people take advantage of the fact that they know whatever they do I'll always forgive them. But what can I say? It's who I am and honestly, I love it.

Which brings me to the other thing that makes me weird. Ever since I could remember, I had this feeling detector about things. I call it feeling detector because I get a feeling about things. Now I know it might be confusing so bear with me. The feeling detector helps me make decisions. It tells me if things are good or not, or if I should do something or not. And it even gives me warnings. Let me give you an example so that you guys can understand me more. When I was 9years, I told my parents to sign me up for violin lessons because I had a feeling I was going to be a successful violinist. And guess what happened? 12 years later I was a successful violinist. I played in a orchestra and also independently. I'm quite famous, if I can say so myself. Either than that, there's been many instances where I get a feeling about things. When I was 15, I had a feeling that my second oldest brother was going to die in a plane crash, so I told him not to board the flight. And low and behold, that plane did crash and many died. Thank God, my brother had listened to me. My family had learned to listen to my feeling detector. It has never been wrong. So that's why when my feeling detector was telling me that the man I just crashed my car into is my destiny, I didn't doubt it one bit. I could feel it deep down to the very core of my soul that he was the one. The one I've been waiting for my whole life. I know it sounded too far fetched and cringey but I swear that's how it felt. I couldn't help but to rub my chest at the overwhelming feeling I was feeling inside there.

Him: "Lady? Hello? Are you listening to me? Look at my car. You just crashed into me!" I blinked and focused on his handsome angry face. one was hot in a manly way and tall too. "Lady, are you smiling right now? Seriously?! Look at my car!" He indicated to his car in exasperation. I looked at the mess I made. Yep that was going to cost me quite a bit but I didn't mind because it brought me to my one. This is what they call fate. Right? Like in the movies. I took a step closer to him and smiled big up at him.
Me: "Can I ask you a question?" He paused. I could see he was taken aback. I mean I was all up in his space and all.
Him: "Um...yes?" I giggled inwardly. He was cute. My one.
Me: "Can you be my boyfriend?"
Him: "W-what?!" Yeah he was shocked alright. I mean in this situation who would ask somebody to be their anything. No one but me, of course.
Me: "Can you be my boyfriend?" He blinked and backed away.
Him: "Lady this is...this..." He shook his head. "Let's talk about you crashing into my car first-."
Me: "Okay...but if we do, will you be my boyfriend then?"
Him: "W-what?!"
Me: "What? You don't want to? Is it because you don't find me beautiful or attractive? Or is it because you have a girlfriend already? But that can't be possible. You are my one. You can't have a girlfriend-."
Him: "Lady look...forget about it okay? I'll take care of my own car." He said getting into his car. I smiled as I watched him drive away. I had a feeling we would be seeing each other very soon. So I didn't worry about not having his number and not knowing his name. I giggled as I thought how fun this was going to be. I was going to woo my one. Don't ask me how since I've never dated before but I was going to do it until he fell head over heels with me as I was with him already.

You can run my one but you can't hide....

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