Chapter 8

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England was so beautiful at night especially now there was snow everywhere. I had my arm wrapped around my one's as we walked back to the hotel I was staying in. He had wanted us to catch a taxi but I told him no. Walking was much better. He had hesitantly agreed but made sure to wrap his big scarf around my neck before we could attempt to walk back. So I was wrapped in warmth and his scent. How nice was that?
Me: "So you're going back to Canada tomorrow?"
Vuyani: "Yep. I have a race day after tomorrow." I tightened my arm around his.
Me: "I'll miss you."
Vuyani: "Just 24 more days, then we'll see each other." I smiled.
Me: "You're counting?"
Vuyani: "Of course. I always count days when it comes to you."
Me: "Even back during those months fate brought us together?"
Vuyani: "Even then." He finally admitted. I smiled.
Me: "I knew you were into me." He coughed. "When did you start liking me?"
Vuyani: "I'm not telling you that."
Me: "Oh why not?" He shook his head. "Then can I guess?" He nodded smiling. Maybe he thought I wouldn't be able to guess. "Was it that night of the celebration dinner with my orchestra team?" He looked at me in surprise, then he looked away. I giggled. "I guessed right didn't I? It was that day!"
Vuyani: "I didn't say anything."
Me: "You don't have to. It's obvious. You couldn't escape my wooing charm!"
Vuyani. "Psssh! Wooing charm my ass. You were crazy...still are." I laughed.
Me: "But you love it." He smiled.
Vuyani: "That I do." Aww! I put my head against his arm.
Me: "It must've been hard though trying to pretend that you didn't like me when you actually did. Even though I saw right through your act quite quickly." I said pointing up at him.
Vuyani: "You did?"
Me: "Yes. It was obvious." I told him. "It's a good thing you're a race driver and not an actor. You would've sucked." I teased him. He chuckled.
Vuyani: "How did you see through my act? I thought I did well."
Me: "Actions mister. They speak louder than words."
Vuyani: "Ahhhh." He nodded. "So no actions, just words. Got it. I'll remember that next time."
Me: "Don't you dare!" I said hitting his arm. He laughed.
Vuyani: "So you tease me but I'm not allowed to?"
Me: "Of course." He shook his head chuckling.
Vuyani: "I laugh more than I usually ever have when I'm with you. It's crazy." He said after a while.
Me: "It's that wooing charm." He snorted.
Vuyani: "It's the craziness."
Me: "You might be right." We both laughed.

We were walking towards my room when I noticed Yonelisa waiting next to my door. I smiled a little knowing exactly why she was waiting.
Vuyani: "Isn't that your friend." I nodded.
Me: "Whatever she says, forgive her okay? She means well." He just nodded but I noticed his face go hard. "Yolls!" I shouted waving. She looked back and started to walk towards us like a woman on mission. Yikes! She can be a little scary sometimes.
Yonelisa: "Can I talk to you?" She said to my one.
Vuyani: "Talk."
Yonelisa: "What are your intentions to my friend? Do you really like her or are you just stringing her along?"
Me: "Yolls-."
Yonelisa: "I know it's none of my business but with the way she is, someone needs to protect her." She explained. "So what are your intentions?"
Vuyani: "Taking into consideration that you've been in her life longer than me, I'll answer your question but in future please refrain from butting in our business. You can talk your talk with your friend but not with me. I'm not your friend, I'm your friend's man...know the difference. Got it?" Oh hells damn! "Now coming back to your question. What are my intentions you asked? Simple. She calls me her one, I call her my beamer because ever since she entered my life, she fills my darkness with light." Oh god! Oh god! "I think that is more than enough information to tell you about my intentions isn't it?"
Yonelisa: "Err...I-I guess so."
Vuyani: "You can leave us now." Oh! I've never seen Yonelisa dash away like that. I stared at her back in shock. "Keycard." I gave it to him. He swiped it on the door and let us in. I looked at him. His face was still hard.
Me: "Are you mad?"
Vuyani: "Does it look like I'm mad?"
Me: "Kinda."
Vuyani: "Good." He smiled.
Me: "So that was all an act?!"
Vuyani: "Half of it." I laughed. "Don't want to lie though. I was annoyed...still am."
Me: "She means well."
Vuyani: "I know little beamer so that's why I answered her question but I also wanted her to know her place. She's your friend, not mine. Lines can be blurred very quickly and create a lot of misunderstandings. I don't want that." I smiled.
Me: "I get you."
Vuyani: "Don't trust people too easily my little beamer."
Me: "But I can trust you right?"
Vuyani: "Of course. You have my loyalty." I smiled taking his hand and pulling him to the sitting area.
Me: "One day you'll have to tell me about the person who broke your trust and made you doubt love."
Vuyani: "That would be my father."
Me: "You answered that very quickly."
Vuyani: "I don't want to hide things from you but I will ask that we save this conversation for another day. I don't want to waste the time that we left before I leave tomorrow talking about my past."
Me: "Talking about anything that has to do with you is not waste. But I get what you're saying." I told him. "Okay, another time then." He pulled me into him and kissed me deeply and roughly. Holly smokes! "Are we going to have sex tonight?" He coughed up a storm.
Vuyani: "W-what d-did you say?" His voice was high.
Me: "Sex. Are we going to have it tonight?" The look on his face was comical. He blinked maybe thrice and then he started laughing.
Vuyani: "You never seize to amaze me."
Me: "Oh thank you."
Vuyani: "But to answer your question. No we're not going to have sex tonight."
Me: "Why not? Is it because I'm a virgin and you think I'm not ready because I can tell you that-."
Vuyani: "No that's not it."
Me: "Oh. Then what?"
Vuyani: "I'm sorry to say but I'm saving myself for marriage." Now it was my turn to blink.
Me: "W-what?"
Vuyani: "I'm saving myself for marriage."
Me: "Y-you can't be serious."
Vuyani: "Why not?"
Me: "W-what...I-I mean it's a good thing but it's just...I-." He burst out laughing. "Oh my god! You just played me, didn't you?!" I said hitting him. He laughed harder. "That's not fair!"
Vuyani: "How is it not fair? You always play with me."
Me: "Oh my god! You got me good."
Vuyani: "I did, didn't I?" He carried on laughing. "It was so good to see you caught off guard because I'm sure that rarely happens."
Me: "Yes. Rarely happens. Oh my god, you scared me!" I hit him. He laughed.
Vuyani: "Now you know how I feel most of the times when I'm with you." I laughed shaking my head.
Me: "Look at you. So proud of yourself."
Vuyani: "Of course." I rolled my eyes. "But on a serious note though." He said pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me. "What brought up the sex question?"
Me: "Nothing. It's just that when we were kissing, I felt all hot and bothered and I know." He gave me a squeeze.
Vuyani: "Do me a favor."
Me: "Anything."
Vuyani: "When it comes to that, let's let it happen naturally."
Me: "Okay."
Vuyani: "But I also want us to wait at the same time." I looked at him.
Me: "Why?" He brushed my face.
Vuyani: "Because you're just too precious to me and I think your first time should be too." I smiled with tears in my eyes.
Me: "You're so sweet." I pouted my lips for him to give me a kiss. He smiled and bent down to do just that. "Okay, we'll wait then."
Vuyani: "I'm going to leave now."
Me: "Already?" He kissed me.
Vuyani: "Yes."
Me: "But..." I pouted.
Vuyani: "Behave. Don't you have a performance tomorrow? So you need rest."
Me: "I know. But still..." I clung on him.
Vuyani: "I'll come and see you before I leave tomorrow." I smiled.
Me: "It's a promise then."
Vuyani: "It's a promise." We stood up and walked to the door holding hands.
Me: "Is your hotel far from mine?"
Vuyani: "Not too far."
Me: "Okay, let me walk you out."
Vuyani: "No little beamer, it's cold outside."
Me: "But-."
Vuyani: "Behave." I sighed.
Me: "Okay."
Vuyani: "See you tomorrow."
Me: "See you. Remember to think of me." He smiled and gave me a hot wet kiss that made my toes curl. Yum! "Be safe."
Vuyani: "I will."
Me: "Remember to think of me." He chuckled.
Vuyani: "Little beamer let me go." I had a tight grip on his hand.
Me: "Okay." He gave me one final kiss and left.

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