Chapter 3

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It's been 2 weeks since I've been back from Paris. And even though I haven't seen my one, I knew I would see him soon. God, did I miss him though. To be honest, I was kinda going crazy with missing him. I had gone on the net, and I had searched on him. My one was quite famous, even more so than I was. I learned quite a lot about him on the net. What pleased me though was that there wasn't any pictures of him with any women. I learnt more about his profession and I watched a lot of his match videos. Yeah, he was good alright. He's won quite a few world championships. Yes, world championships. So you can just imagine how good he was. It wasn't an exaggeration. What I gathered was that, most of the times he was out of the country which wasn't a biggie since it was the same for me. It worried me for a split second how this thing between us was going to work but as soon as the worry came, it went away. He's my one. No doubt about that. So it was going to work. The fates were on our side. What I also found out on the net was that he was 12 years older than me. Whewu! Now I know why he looks so manly. I didn't find anything on his family though which was bit odd but not an issue. I'm sure it's because he's a private person.

Today I have practice for almost the whole day, and then after that we have a celebration dinner with the orchestra and some major board directors of the company I work for. Even though I was 21, I came into fame quite very early. The reason for this was because at our high school show I was scouted immediately by one of the board directors who had by chance had come to watch, so after that everything took a turn. I signed a contract and I was earning money. I earned more than my parents' salaries put together. And I also had my own thing going on the side so, yeah, I was living the life if I may say so myself. But don't worry, I wasn't one of those people who was all up in your face about my money and I didn't forget to give back. I donated a lot that my manager was always trying to find ways to stop me. As I said, I was weird. But I liked my type of weird.

Yonelisa: "There you go again with your humming!" I laughed.
Me: "Sorry."
Yonelisa: "Don't be sorry. Just tell me the reason." I shrugged. "Are you dating?" I giggled.
Me: "My answer is still the same as it was a few minutes ago when you asked me. Maybe...or maybe not." She made a frustrated noise.
Jessie: "I can tell you that she's found herself a man. It's obvious."
Yonelisa: "You think so?"
Jessie: "Look at her. She's on cloud 20." I laughed.
Me: "I've never heard of cloud 20 before."
Jessie: "It's your own special cloud missy." I smiled.
Me: "I like that. Thank you Jessie."
Jessie: "You're welcome." She said chuckling.
Yonelisa: "So you really have a boyfriend?"
Me: "Um...maybe or maybe not."
Yonelisa: "Aaaaaa! I'll kill you!" She said showing me her fists. I laughed.
Me: "Enough talk my dear friends. Let's continue. We need to get this down today." She sighed.
Yonelisa: "Okay but I'm not done with you."
Me: "Of course not." I winked and picked up my violin. I got in position and everything faded away as I started to play.

We were on our way to the restaurant/bar. Even though my arms, wrist and fingers ached, I was feeling good. I had a good feeling. I don't know what the feeling was about but I know it had to do with my one. Maybe I was going to see him tonight? Butterflies flapped their wings around my tummy as exciting energy filled me. Oh please please let me see him tonight. I begged the god of fate and destiny.

The celebration dinner was going well. I was busy talking to the Chairman of our company when I felt him. Yes. Felt him. I can't explain but it was like a warm energy suddenly cursed through my body. It started from the top of my head down to my tipi-toes. It was him. I just knew it. This warmth and sense of aura surrounding me...embracing me...protecting me could only be because of him. My one. I just knew if I turned I would see him. Before I could turn though, a familiar voice called out my name. "Isi!" I turned and as I expected it was Andile. I stood up smiling. And there he was my one, with a frown on his face looking a little surprised and something else I couldn't decipher.
Me: "Hey Ace."
Andile: "Oh my god, fancy to see you here. I was just talking about you to Vi saying how much I missed you."
Me: "Really? I missed you guys too." I looked at my one. "Especially you." I said to him. He scratched his chin and coughed looking away. I smiled.
Andile: "What? Isi you did the impossible. You made my man shy. I can't believe it." I laughed.
Vuyani: "Stop with your nonsense. Let's go."
Chairman: "Isi are these your friends?" Oops I had forgotten about everybody else. I avoided Yonelisa's accusing glare and everybody else's curious glances and apologized for my rudeness to the Chairman.
Me: "Chairman Gregor, this is Andile and this is Vuyani. They are my special friends."
Chairman: "Oh really? Nice."
Me: "Vuyani and Andile, this is Chairman Gregor my boss." Chairman laughed as he shook their hands.
Chairman: "I'm more like her grandfather than her boss." I smiled because he really did treat me as his granddaughter. "Nice to meet you young and good looking men. Please do join us."
Vuyani: "No we're-."
Andile: "Of course we would like to, thank you Chairman Gregor." I giggled as my one gave his friend a glare. Chairman Gregor requested they be given chairs and of course my one ended up sitting next to me. I know I was staring and I was going to be getting a lot of questions from my friends later on but I just couldn't help myself.

Vuyani: "You're staring." He said without sparing me a glance.
Me: "I know." Now he was looking at me with that look like he couldn't believe I was real. "Now do you believe what I said in Paris?"
Vuyani: "This is just a coincidence Lady." I smiled.
Me: "Oh."
Vuyani: "It is."
Me: "Oh."
Vuyani: "Lady." He said in irritation. I chuckled.
Me: "I said Oh." He gritted his teeth. "Be my boyfriend?" I whispered flattering my eyelashes at him.
Vuyani: "Don't start." He said through his teeth. I laughed.
Me: "You missed me didn't you?"
Vuyani: "No."
Me: "Oh."
Vuyani: "I didn't." I smiled.
Me: "I said Oh." He worked his jaw.
Vuyani: "You're one crazy lady, you know that?"
Me: "Crazy for you? Then yes, I do know that." He blinked at me, looked away and drank his water. I smiled. I decided to give him a break and let him order.

As they ate, Yonelisa kept giving me signals that we should go to the ladies room so that she can hound me with questions. I kept on giggling and shaking my head. I knew she had, had enough when she stood and came around to us.
Yonelisa: "Isi step out please. We need to have a talk now."
Me: "Why? Say what you want to say here."
Yonelisa: "Isi!" She pulled on my dress giving me the 'I'm going to kill you if you don't get up from this chair' look.
Me: "Just ask. I know what you want to know. You want to know about him right?" I indicated to my one. Vuyani closed his eyes like he was having a silent prayer. Awww! He was so cute!
Yonelisa: "Isi-."
Me: "No, it's fine I'll tell you now who he is. His name is Vuyani and he's the man I'm wooing."
Vuyani: "Lady I swear-."
Me: "I didn't say you're my boyfriend this time. I said wooing, which is the truth isn't it? I'm wooing you so that you can become my boyfriend." He breathed out shaking his head and went back to eating.
Yonelisa: "W-what? You're wooing him?"
Me: "Yes."
Yonelisa: "Isn't it supposed to be the other way around, him wooing you?" I smiled.
Me: "No, for us it's different because you see, I know that he's the one for me but he doesn't believe that yet, so I need to woo him to convince him that we belong together." I explained with all the hand movements.
Vuyani: "Oh for fuck sakes." He said under his breath.
Yonelisa: "I see you've started with your craziness. We'll talk later." She brushed my head gently and went back to her seat.
Vuyani: "I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks you're crazy."
Me: "Yeah you're right about that. You're not the only one. A lot of people think I'm crazy but that's okay." I told him smiling. He blinked at me. I smiled wider. He looked away, coughed and drank his water. "Did you get your car fixed?" I asked after a short while.
Vuyani: "Yes."
Me: "How much damage do I owe you?"
Vuyani: "Forget about it Lady."
Me: "Okay." He gave me disbelief look.
Vuyani: "I know I said forget about it, but really, are just going to forget about it?"
Me: "Yes. You said I should didn't you?" He blinked and then he chuckled shaking his head. "Oooh I made you laugh." I said giving myself a pat.
Vuyani: "Anybody would laugh at your craziness Lady." I nodded.
Me: "I guess that's true but I'm glad I especially made you laugh with my craziness." I said sweetly. He cleared his throat and went back to eating....

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