Chapter 7

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We were parked in front of my house. My hand was in his and his thumb was brushing lightly on my calluses.
Me: "They're not ladylike hands aren't they?" He shook his head.
Vuyani: "Look at mine." He said showing me his hands. "I also have them. And mine are way worse than yours."
Me: "But I like your hands. They're big...and...strong." He puffed out a laugh.
Vuyani: "I like your hands too. They're small and...delicate."
Me: "Even with the calluses?"
Vuyani: "Even with the calluses." I smiled and then I burst out laughing. "And then? Why the sudden laugh?"
Me: "I just can't believe we're busy having this conversation about our hands! It's just weird." He laughed.
Vuyani: "I'm used to having weird conversations with you, so I don't mind."
Me: "That's actually the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."
Vuyani: "Really?" I nodded laughing. "Then from now on I'll make sure to say all the sweetest weirdest nothings to you." I giggled.
Me: "That's so cheesy."
Vuyani: "I know. I can't believe I said that actually." I laughed. "I've realized that when I'm with you I say and do a lot that I wouldn't normally do or say. It's crazy." Awww! My one. I kissed his cheek.
Me: "That's sweet."
Vuyani: "Really? I did it again? So soon." I laughed. "Let me walk you to the door."
Me: "Um...that's also sweet but I don't think that's a good idea." When he frowned I went to explain. "Things is, my father and brothers are home and tonight is not a good time for you guys to meet. Trust me."
Vuyani: " they're against you dating?"
Me: "Mmm...kinda...not really..." I took a breath. "It's don't know how to explain this to you but you meeting them tonight is a no no."
Vuyani: "Okay little beamer."
Me: "I must tell you though that my parents already know about you." His eyes widened a bit.
Vuyani: "You told them about me already?"
Me: "I told them the day we met...when I crashed into your car." He blinked at me. "Well...I actually told my mom first and then she told my dad." I waved my hands. "But anyway...they know about you." He blinked again. "What's wrong?"
Vuyani: "You were really sure about us from day 1?" I smiled.
Me: "Silly, haven't you been listening to me at all during these past few months? You're my one. Our fates are tied together so of course I was sure about us." He swallowed and looked away.
Vuyani: " don't know what to say to that...really." I giggled. "But how can a person like you exist?" He asked turning to me.
Me: "I exist because you exist silly." I said pulling on his chin. "Remember our fates are tied." He shook his head.
Vuyani: "You say the craziest things sometimes but somehow they make perfect sense." I smiled slyly.
Me: "Do me a favor?"
Vuyani: "Anything."
Me: "My car is still at the studio. Could you take care of it for me? I don't think I'll have time tomorrow to go to the studio to get it."
Vuyani: "Done." I smiled.
Me: "Thank you Vuyani." I said giving him my car keys. He shook his head.
Vuyani: "This is nothing so no thanks needed little beamer."
Me: "I'll miss you." He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me to him.
Vuyani: "Me too." He pressed his lips hard on mine. "Desperately so." Oh god!
Me: "You'll remember to think of me, right?"
Vuyani: "Always." I smiled.
Me: "I love you." He closed his eyes briefly and put our foreheads together.
Vuyani: "I feel like a selfish bastard right now. Even though I can't say those words back to you, I love hearing you say them to me." He admitted. "I'm sorry little beamer."
Me: "Why would you apologize? What did I say? Take your time in loving me, I don't mind. Really." I told him honestly. "And you did promise to catch up real soon so...I'm fine. Trust me, okay?" He breathed and nodded. "Actually I like that you're taking your time to say those three words to me because I know when you do finally say them, you'll mean it with your whole being."
Vuyani: "You make everything make sense." I smiled.
Me: "Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow at 5am sharp, right?"
Vuyani: "Right." I smiled.
Me: "Oh. Before I go, could you give me your phone please." He gave it to me. I liked that he gave it to me without hesitation. I searched for what I wanted and gave it back to him. "On your way home, make sure to listen to that. It's dedicated to you." I said sweetly. He nodded smiling.
Vuyani: "Okay, I will."
Me: "See you."
Vuyani: "See you."
Me: "Remember to think of me." He chuckled.
Vuyani: "Okay."

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