Chapter 4

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We were now all standing outside saying our goodbyes. The Chairman left first and then followed by the board of directors. After that I hugged my colleagues as they left one by one.
Yonelisa: "We'll definitely be having our talk tomorrow missy." She whispered in my ear as we hugged. I laughed.
Me: "Okay." She said her goodbyes to Vuyani and Andile and left. I sighed and looked to Vuyani. "Before we separate, promise me something would you?" He frowned.
Vuyani: "Promise you what?"
Me: "That if we meet again, you'll take me out for dinner."
Andile: "Damn, she's smooth!" He whistled giving me thumbs up.
Vuyani: "Lady we're not going to meet again."
Me: "Then you shouldn't have a problem with with making this promise since you think like that." Andile laughed.
Andile: "She has got you there Vi." My one gave his friend a punch on the arm but said nothing.
Me: " that a promise?" He looked at me kicking his foot about on the pavement. I know he was thinking if he should risk it or not. I raised my eyebrows. He sighed and finally nodded. I squealed giggling. "It's a promise, you can't break it. Okay?"
Vuyani: "I won't Lady because we won't meet again, trust me." I waved him off.
Me: "Let's pinkie promise." He sighed rolling his eyes.
Vuyani: "Seriously? How old are you?"
Me: "21."
Vuyani: "21?!"
Me: "Yes. Now come, give me your pinkie." He sighed but begrudgingly gave me his pinkie and I intertwined it with mine. His pinkie was so big by the way. So manly. "Okay, see you next time."
Vuyani: "Lady as I said-."
Me: "Remember to think of me."
Andile: "Trust me, he will."
Vuyani: "Shut up." He growled.
Andile: "You will, and you know it." I giggled.
Vuyani: "Go along now." He said to me.
Me: "Bye Ace."
Andile: "Isi, it's always a pleasure. See you."
Me: "See you." I gave my one a small wave and I left.

A month had passed and I just got back from London. Damn, this past month had been crazy busy. I felt worn out and quite frankly I wanted to take a break but I knew I couldn't afford to. My album release date was soon approaching so there was no rest for the wicked. Even though I hadn't seen my one, I've been keeping updates on him by following him on the net. I knew he was still out of the country. He was in Australia for a tournament which was coming to an end in 2 days time. Our time to meet again was nearing. I could feel it and honestly I couldn't wait. Yonelisa and my other friends, always asked about him. They thought it was weird how I was wooing him. They said it was bizarre and unheard of. Well, I didn't care and I wasn't ashamed at all that I was chasing my one trying to get him to feel for me what I already felt for him because in the end I knew we were going to end up together so the chase was worth it.

Songezo: "You look worn out little sis." He said ruffling my hair up as he sat down on the couch next to me. I groaned and put my head against his shoulder.
Me: "I am. I'm still missing four compositions for my new album."
Songezo: "Ohh you poor little rascal. You can do it. I know." I smiled.
Me: "Your faith in me is greatly appreciated big brother." He chuckled giving me a squeeze.
Songezo: "So what's new? Anything interesting you've got on?"
Me: "Um....well...not really."
Songezo: "That tells me a lot." I laughed.
Me: "Don't worry big bro, you'll soon find out." He gave me a suspicious look.
Songezo: "I hope it's not a boyfriend."
Me: "Why not?"
Songezo: "Because you're my little sister and you're too young."
Me: "I make my own living so I'm basically an adult."
Songezo: "Even so, you're still my baby sister. I can't imagine you dating these boys. They're not perfect for you."
Me: "Well...there is one who is...and...he's definitely not a boy."
Songezo: "Who is it?" He asked sitting up.
Me: "Not telling." I said getting up.
Songezo: "Isi you better tell-."
Me: "Nope. Not telling."
Songezo: "You!" He said pointing at me. "Tell me now." I shook my head.
Me: "Not telling." I ran out laughing as he called my name.

I was at a book store trying to get some inspiration. I know I know. But seriously my inspiration came from weird things and places. No surprise there since I'm this person that I am. As I was browsing, something told me to look up and that's just then I saw my one passing by the bookstore. I quickly ran out and called out his name. He stopped and turned. Shock and something else flashed in his eyes. He really thought we were never going to meet again. Silly him. He's my destiny. He can never hide from me. He was looking mighty fine today wearing a ball cap that almost covered his eyes, a black hoodie and jeans. I smiled as I walked up to him.
Me: "Fancy meeting you here." I said slyly.
Vuyani: "Yeah." He frowned. "Are you really not stalking me?" I laughed.
Me: "Would you like me if I stalked you?" He sighed shaking his head.
Vuyani: "There you go again with your craziness. Forget I asked." I giggled hooking up my violin case on my shoulders. " really are a violinist."
Me: "Yes. Why? I don't look like one?" He shook his head.
Vuyani: "No...not that at's just that..." He trailed off as his eyes filled with sorrow. I couldn't help but to get into his space.
Me: "Vuyani wants wrong?" I asked touching his arm. He shook his head.
Vuyani: "'s just that my m-mother was a violinist too." I smiled.
Me: "Really?" He nodded. I paused when I realized something he said and I lost my smile. "Was?"
Vuyani: "Yes...she's no longer in this world." I got in closer into his space. I wanted to hug him so badly. My one. I could feel his pain and sorrow. It was crashing down heavily on my heart.
Me: "Vuyani I'm sorry. I didn't know-."
Vuyani: "'s was a long time ago."
Me: "But you still saddened by her death and still miss her so for that I'm sorry." Our eyes locked as it seemed like we were in our own bubble breathing and sharing the same air. I tried to teleport my strength to him. I focused all of my energy and tried to give it to him. I think it worked because he closed his eyes and took a deep shuddering breath. When he opened them, they were clear of any sorrow. I smiled. He was really my one. He stared into my eyes a little longer, then he blinked and realized just how close we were and suddenly backed away causing our connection to break. The loss caused a pang in my chest and I couldn't help but to rub the spot.
Vuyani: "I have to go."
Me: "Wait!" He stopped as he was about to turn and walk away. "Remember the promise you made to me?" His eyes widened as he remembered. I smiled. "A promise is a promise. And I know for certain you are a man of your word." He blinked and coughed looking away. I smiled bigger. "So tonight?"
Vuyani: "I'm busy tonight." He hurriedly answered.
Me: "Are you lying to me?"
Vuyani: "I would never lie to...." He coughed realizing what he was about to say. "I mean, I'm n-not lying." I giggled.
Me: "Okay. Tomorrow then?"
Vuyani: "Do we have to?"
Me: "You promised." He sighed stretching his chin.
Vuyani: "Okay, tomorrow it is then." I squealed happily.
Me: "Great." I clapped. "Now give me your phone." He frowned. "Hurry up." Although he seemed not sure, he took it out of his pocket and gave it to me. I smiled as I unlocked it. I dialed my number and I called myself. When my phone started to ring I cancelled. I saved my number on his. I giggled as I saved myself as "My One and Only❤️". I know it was childish, but whatevz. I gave him back his phone. "When I call, you have to answer okay?" He rolled his eyes.
Vuyani: "Whatever Lady. Can I go now before anybody notices me?"
Me: "Oh right. I forgot. So that's why you're wearing a ball cap."
Vuyani: "Yes, now I'm leaving."
Me: "Okay. Remember to think of me." He shook his head and walked away.

We were at my favorite restaurant. I liked it because it was cozy and there were not a lot of people. We were sitting by a corner table away from prying eyes. Even though I wasn't as famous as him, but still people did recognize me when I went about so I could imagine if his fans saw him. He was looking all sexy in his dress shirt and pants with his jacket hanging behind him. He kept on fiddling with the buttons which told me he wasn't used dressing up. I giggled behind my hands. My one was cute. God! What was I going to do with him? I tried to look sexy and but cute tonight and I know I had pulled it off with how much he had stared earlier on when he saw me. I knew he had liked my red high heels. His narrowed eyes had stayed there a little longer. After we decided what we were going to have, the waiter came and we ordered. There was silence but it wasn't awkward...well at least on my side. He cleared his throat and drank water and I smiled.
Vuyani: "Why are you always smiling?"
Me: "Because I'm always happy." He shook his head. "Why? You don't like my smile?"
Vuyani: "I didn't say that."
Me: "So you like my smile?" Cough. Drank his water.
Vuyani: "I didn't say that." I giggled. "I don't want you to misunderstand this." He suddenly said.
Me: "Misunderstand what?"
Vuyani: "This is not a date. This is just a promise. This means nothing."
Me: "To you maybe but to me it's everything." He looked away.
Vuyani: "Lady please-."
Me: "But I understand what you mean. Don't worry." He looked at me strangely and I smiled. He sighed and shook his head.

Dinner had been perfect. I had been the one talking most of the time but that was fine because he had listened and showed interest to what I was saying.

We were now standing by the entrance as we looked at the rain pouring down outside. Because of limited parking space we had parked our car far out. I looked up at him and smiled.
Me: "Let's run through it."
Vuyani: "Lady it's raining cats and dogs."
Me: "Come on, it will be fun. I always saw couples in the movies doing it and I always wanted to try it with my boyfriend."
Vuyani: "Lady I'm not your boy-."
Me: "I know know. Come let's run."
Vuyani: "Lady-." And then I was pulling him with me and we were running through the rain and let me tell you it felt amazing as I thought it would. When the rain started to pour down harder, we found cover and the way I was happy I was laughing as we stood there waiting for the rain to dull down. I felt my one's eyes on me.
Me: "You're staring."
Vuyani: "I'm not."
Me: "Are too."
Vuyani: "Not."
Me: "Oh."
Vuyani: "You're annoying, you know that?" I laughed shivering a bit as I rubbed my hands together. My body froze up when I felt him put his jacket gently over my shoulders. "Only because I don't want you to annoy me when you catch a cold." He tried to explain.
Me: "Oh." I said laughing. He cleared his throat looking away. I smiled pulling his jacket tightly around me as his scent and warmth filled me. I closed my eyes basking everything in.
Vuyani: "Don't get weird."
Me: "I'm always weird."
Vuyani: "More than usual then. T-this doesn't mean anything."
Me: "Oh."
Vuyani: "I mean it."
Me: "I said Oh."
Vuyani: "For fuck sakes, you're a pain aren't you." He mumbled under his breath. I laughed.
Me: "I get it. I won't misunderstand. "
Vuyani: "Good." I smiled. "Let's get going, the rain has dulled down." We started to walk. I slipped but luckily I didn't fall because my one caught me in time. "Be careful." He scowled.
Me: "Okay." And then it happened again and he once again stopped me from falling.
Vuyani: "I said be careful."
Me: "I'm trying." I really was. When it happened for the third time, he was done.
Vuyani: "For fucksakes, get on." He said bending in front me.
Me: "Really?"
Vuyani: "Get on before I change my mind." I didn't need to be told twice.
Me: "You're so sweet."
Vuyani: "T-This is-."
Me: "Nothing. I know. I won't misunderstand."
Vuyani: "Good." I smiled feeling all gooey on the inside. I liked how his big hands felt on my thighs. So strong but yet so gentle.
Me: "Am I heavy?"
Vuyani: "No." I smiled.
Me: "I'm so happy right now I could cry." I said tightening my hold around his neck, with my face against his cheek. He coughed hoisting me up.

He was so into me, this one of mine...

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