Chapter 13

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Me: "Why are you waking me up so early? You know today is my day off right?"
Vuyani: "I know." He kissed the corner of my mouth. "But get up. I made you breakfast." I groaned opening my eyes and stretched. I ached everywhere. When he went for a kiss I covered my mouth.
Me: "Bad breath. I need to brush my teeth first." I said dashing to the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth I stared at the bruises on my body. Damn, my one was freaky. I smiled realizing that I liked that he was freaky. Our sex life would never be boring.
Vuyani: "Come, let's have a talk first before we go down and eat." He said pulling me down on the bed. "Um...put this on." He cleared his throat trying not stare at my boobs but failing. I smiled and put on his tee. "Good...they were...err...distracting." He coughed. I giggled inwardly. Could he get any cuter?
Me: "So...we need to talk? About what?"
Vuyani: "Erm...yesterday...and this morning...we were risky. I was inside of you both times without being that can't happen again." He paused. "It's either we use condoms or...and this is only if you start taking contraceptives...and as I said, only if you want since it's your body...and mine...but mostly your body so you can make the choice."
Me: "What do you want me to do when you're being this adorable?"
Vuyani: "Little beamer I'm being serious here."
Me: "I know baby."
Vuyani: "Even though I want and plan to have children with you, now is not the time. Both our careers are demanding so we need to be careful. And anyways, I want us married first before you can be pregnant with our first child." I smiled.
Me: "I know this baby and I agree with you 100% but there's really nothing for you to worry about."
Vuyani: "Little beamer-."
Me: "I'm already on contraceptives."
Vuyani: "W-what?"
Me: "I'm already on contraceptives so I won't get pregnant, don't worry."
Vuyani: "Oh...really?" I nodded. "That's good." He said releasing a relieved breath.
Me: "After I met you 9 months ago, I decided to go on them." He blinked nodding.
Vuyani: " That's weird and quite pleasing at the same time." I giggled. "Erm...another thing..." He said opening the drawer and giving me a brown small envelope. "I went and got checked out. Those are my results." He breathed folding his lips. "I'm clean. Err...I wanted you to know that...that you're safe with me...I wouldn't..." He shook his head... "give you...anything." I climbed him and kissed the hell out of him.
Me: "You make me want to blow the hell out of your dick and balls so badly right now." He swallowed thickly giving my ass a squeeze.
Vuyani: "I would never say no to that but our breakfast is getting cold." I kissed him.
Me: "I love you Vuyani."
Vuyani: "I love you too my little beamer. So much." My heart soared.
Me: "I still can't believe you love me."
Vuyani: "Why the hell not? You're so lovable." He kissed my nose. I giggled.
Me: "I know. It's just that..." I breathed... "I thought.."
Vuyani: "It's all my fault baby. I made you wait too long." I shook my head.
Me: "No. Confessing your love to me yesterday when you did, was perfect." He smiled kissing my chin.
Vuyani: "Let's go eat."

Me: "Hey you, what's up?"
Yonelisa: "Your man just released an official statement confirming that you're his girlfriend...that you guys are dating." I looked to my one who was busy washing dishes. I smiled.
Me: "Really?"
Yonelisa: "Yeah, it's all over the net. I'm reading the comments now." She told me. "Man it's crazy. It's been 10minutes, but already 20000 and something people have commented."
Me: "I'm sure most of the comments are bashing me." I laughed.
Yonelisa: "The comments are somewhat better than before."
Me: "I guess that's a win." I laughed. "Friend, talk to you later. I need to reward my man by blowing him off." Before hanging up, I heard her screaming about how nasty I was. I laughed as I preceded to go about thanking my one in a way I knew he loved.

Me: "I didn't think you were the movies type."
Vuyani: "I'm a fan. It's just that I rarely have time to come watch them at the cinema." He told me. "And there's also the fact that cinemas are always crowded, someone would end up noticing me which would ruin everything."
Me: "So that's why you reserved the whole cinema today just to watch with me?" I asked sweetly.
Vuyani: "It's your day off. I wanted to do something." I smiled.
Me: "This is something alright. A bit extreme but sweet at the same time." He scratched his chin.
Vuyani: "I did go a little overboard didn't I?" I laughed. We got popcorns and drinks, then we went in. It was weird seeing it so empty but I was happy that it will only be the two of us. Even though I didn't like the flashing of money, it did come in handy for these kind of moments.

Songezo: "So we're going out for drinks with that dude of yours." He told me annoyed. It's really  a rare thing for me to be taken off guard and this was one of those times.
Me: "What?"
Songeziwe: "Your dude called us wanting to have a drink with us."
Me: "Vuyani called you? How did he get your numbers?" They looked at each other.
Songezo: "We thought you were the one who gave them to him." I shook my head.
Me: "I didn't."
Songezo: "Then he's quite the resourceful man, isn't he." He said in irritation.
Me: "So it's just the two of you and him?"
Songeziwe: "And dad." My eyes widened. "Yeah, he's got balls, I give him that."
Songezo: "He could have balls of steel or whatever, I still don't like him."
Me: "You haven't even met him. How can you say you don't like him?"
Songezo: "He is a man with a dick, and he's dating my little sis. I'll never like him."
Songeziwe: "Me too." I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Well, hate to break it to guys but you will like him and you will become bests of buds with him." They snorted.
Songezo: "Highly unlikely."
Me: "My feels are never wrong."
Songeziwe: "I think this time they're confused or something." I smacked his arm.
Me: "Don't insult my feeling detector."
Songeziwe: "I'm not insulting it little sis. I mean I'm the last person who would ever insult it since it saved my life but I don't think I'll ever like the dude, let alone become best buds with him." I rolled my eyes.
Me: "What did dad say?"
Songezo: "Nothing much but he's not happy that's for sure."
Me: "All three of you better not be mean to my one or I'll disown all of you. Got it?" They chuckled and ruffled my hair. "I'm being serious." I really wasn't since I knew they will like him in the end. But I still worried about the things they were going to say to him tonight. My poor one.
Songezo: "Yeah...sure little sis."
Songeziwe: "We'll see you later. Don't wait up."

I decided to practice to stop myself from worrying about my one. I had been practicing for an hour when my mom knocked on the door.
Me: "Yes I making too much noise?" She waved me off.
Mom: "Don't be ridiculous. You've been playing that thing since you were nine, so I'm pretty much used to it by now." I smiled.
Me: "What's up?"
Mom: "So did he tell you about calling your dad and brothers and setting up the meet?" I shook my head.
Me: "I guess he's doing as he had said. He said he'll sort everything out." She nodded and sat on the bed.
Mom: "I warned your dad not to be his harsh self." I laughed.
Me: "Thank you momma. I also warned Soso and Ngeziwe."
Mom: "I pray everything goes well. I don't want them chasing away my future son in law before I even get a chance to meet him."
Me: "Don't worry momma." I said joining her on the bed. "Everything will work out." She nodded putting her hand over mine.
Mom: "So how are the preparations for the concert going?"
Me: "Good but exhausting." She smiled.
Mom: "12 years ago when you suddenly told your father and I that you wanted to learn violin because it's your fate, I wanted to knock some sense into you but I held myself back because ever since you were born, you were always different." She told me. "You never cried or fussed like the other new born babies. You were always cheerful and bright. I remember saying to your father once that we need to have you checked out because the way you were just wasn't normal."
Me: "Oh momma." I said putting my head against her shoulder.
Mom: "Now look at you. You've really made it and your dream is about to come true. You're truly blessed Isi, I don't want you to forget to thank God for that."
Me: "I know momma. I thank Him everyday."
Mom: "That's good." She gave my hand a squeeze.

When my father and brothers came back that night, they were all so quiet. Even when mom asked them how it all went they just said "okay." I didn't ask them anything because I had a feeling. It hadn't been good but it also hadn't been bad. I think my one had made a surprisingly good impression on them.

Me: "Hey baby."
Vuyani: "I miss you."
Me: "Really?"
Vuyani: "Yeah. My bed is empty and cold without you." I giggled.
Me: " are you? Are you okay?"
Vuyani: "Yes little beamer, I'm okay. Just tired." He yawned.
Me: "What did you get up to tonight?"
Vuyani: "Just went out for drinks."
Me: "Really? With who?"
Vuyani: "Just...some friends." He really was never going to tell me.
Me: "You had fun?"
Vuyani: "I guess but they did give me hell."
Me: "What bad friends they are!" He laughed.
Vuyani: "I know right."
Me: "Disown them."
Vuyani: "They're not the type of friends I can or want to disown." My one.
Me: "Why?" I asked softly.
Vuyani: "Because through them I'll get to acquire the most precious and priceless gift." I closed my eyes holding back tears.
Me: "Really?" He hummed his response. "You really want this precious priceless gift?"
Vuyani: "Desperately." Tears rolled down my eyes.
Me: "Then...that's fine then." I told him. "But don't let these friends bully you." He chuckled softly.
Vuyani: "Don't worry I won't. Your man can take care of himself."
Me: "I don't doubt you baby."
Vuyani: "Little beamer, let me sleep now okay?" He yawned.
Me: "Okay. Sweet dreams baby."
Vuyani: "I love you." My heart warmed.
Me: "I love you."
Vuyani: "See you in the morning."
Me: "See you." And we hung up.

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