Chapter 14

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Greta: "Damn Isi I think your followers on instagram grew overnight."
Me: "How many do I have now?"
Greta: "4 million." Jessie whistled.
Yonelisa: "It's because of that statement."
Jessie: "Yeah, a lot of people are curious about you now lady."
Me: "Of course they are. Look at me." I did a pose. Greta and Jessie laughed.
Yonelisa: "Most of them are haters and I swear I will bust a whole lot of them if they start commenting trash on your posts."
Me: "Save your energy my friend. Whatever they say, it won't bother me. Trust me."
Yonelisa: "That's more reason to bust their asses." We all laughed.
Greta: "Yolls is always the emotional one."
Jessie: "And the passionate one."
Yonelisa: "Come on guys, you know how she is." She said indicating to me. "Someone's got to look out for her or she'll get hurt."
Me: "My dear friend. I'm really fine." I said wrapping my arms around her. "Thank you though for loving and caring for me." I kissed her cheek. She sighed.
Yonelisa: "How does Viking feel about his fans bashing you. I'm sure he's not happy."
Me: "He's not happy of course but what else can he do?"
Jessie: "Yeah there's nothing anyone can do. But I believe people will come to see how awesome you are as time goes." I smiled.
Me: "Yeah, they will. Even though haters will always be haters no matter what you do."
Greta: "True. So to hell with them. Who cares, right?"
Me: "I don't."
Yonelisa: "I do."
Jessie: "I also do...a bit." Greta sighed nodding.
Greta: "Me too." I laughed. I had good friends.

Fiona: "What do you mean I'm not playing it right? You're so full of yourself."
Yonelisa: "Hey! Don't be a bitch. She's trying to help you."
Fiona: "Why? She's not the conductor. Just because everyone calls her a genius, she thinks she's better than us. Sooner or later she will crash and burn."
Yonelisa: "What did you just say?"
Fiona: "You heard me."
Yonelisa: "This bitch! Come here and say what you just said to my face." I grabbed her arm stopping her from reaching over to Fiona.
Me: "Yolls sit down, it's fine." I turned to Fiona. "Look I'm sorry. I honestly was just trying to help. Take or don't take my advice, it's up to you." Fiona rolled her eyes and went back to practicing.
Yonelisa: "What a bitch."
Me: "Leave her alone. It's over."
Luthando: "I'm not surprised by her attitude, she's always been jealous of Isi."
Me: "Come on, let's get this done before the conductor comes."

Conductor: "Fiona how many times must I tell you that you're hitting that note wrong?"
Fiona: "I'm sorry conductor. I'll do better."
Conductor: "You better because if I have to tell you one more time, you're out. Stop wasting my time. Got it?"
Fiona: "Yes conductor."
Yonelisa: "Ha! That's what you get bitch." She muttered. I bumped her with my shoulder shaking my head.
Conductor: "Okay, let's begin from the top. Isi key us in." I nodded and got into position and we played.

2 months have passed. My one's vacation was coming to an end. He was quite busy nowadays practicing. The championships were nearing so he needed to start preparing. I've went on some of his practices with him. It was fun watching him race around the track to practice his time and speed while sitting on the stands.

Vuyani: "So I'm leaving the day after tomorrow."
Me: "Don't remind me." I cried. He tightened his arms around me. We were on the couch watching tv...or trying to.
Vuyani: "You know I'll miss you like crazy right?"
Me: "Of course. You cannot live without me now mister." He chuckled.
Vuyani: "So sure of yourself, aren't you Miss Tetani."
Me: "Yes." He tickled me and I giggled trying to get away. He pulled me back to him and kissed my neck breathing me in. "Make sure that you video call me every morning and every night."
Vuyani: "Every morning and every night?"
Me: "Why? You don't want to?"
Vuyani: "Errr..."
Me: "Hey!" He chuckled.
Vuyani: "I'm kidding. Of course I'll be calling you non stop."
Me: "Good." I said smiling. "Can I ask you a question?"
Vuyani: "Shoot."
Me: "Why do you love me?"
Vuyani: "I don't know. I just do."
Me: "You don't know? But I have many reasons why I love you."
Vuyani: "Tell me."
Me: "You're handsome. Sexy. Extremely cute especially when you're flustered." He rolled his eyes. "I love you because when I first saw you, my world felt complete. I just knew that you were the reason I will continue living on this Earth. You're kind, funny and you know how to cook." He chuckled. "And you also wash dishes." We both laughed. "I love how gentle you are with me but not so much to everybody else. I love how possessive you are and how cute you are when you get jealous." He puffed out a laugh. "I also love how honest you are. I love your smile and laugh. I also love how freaky and dominating you are in bed, and all the noises that you make. I love that you have a big dick." He laughed. "So yeah...basically I love everything about you." The way he was staring into my eyes! He pulled my head back and kissed me. We've kissed many times with my one but this one was different and one of the best kisses. It was achingly sweet and breathtaking.
Vuyani: "That was beautiful little beamer. Thank you." I smiled.
Me: "So you still don't know why you love me?" He chuckled.
Vuyani: "I really don't know. It's like I woke up one day and I knew I loved you." He told me. "If I can go about describing it I would say loving you is like breathing. I do it without even thinking because it comes naturally." Oh my god!
Me: "Vuyani..."
Vuyani: "I know it took me a while to accept what's inside of me and to get where you are but my little beamer, I'm finally here and I'm all in."
Me: "You gonna make me cry."
Vuyani: "You're already crying Lady." I hit him wiping away my tears. "I might not really believe in this destiny thing but I do know that you are the one for me."

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