Chapter 1

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Me: "I met your son in law today."
Mom: "What?"
Me: "Your son in law. I met him today." She laughed. When it came to me, nothing surprised my mother anymore.
Mom: "Oh really?" I nodded as I took a big bite of my apple. "Tell me more about him."
Me: "He's manly."
Mom: "Ooooh that's good." I smiled.
Me: "I know right?!" She wiggled her eyebrows as she folded laundry.
Mom: "What else?"
Me: "He's tall."
Mom: "I like him already." I laughed.
Me: "I knew you would."
Mom: "So I don't suppose you know the name of this son in law of mine, do you?"
Me: "Nope." I laughed.
Mom: "Of course not." She shook her head.
Me: "But I will soon."
Mom: "Okay great. Woo his socks off."
Me: "Oh I plan to." I said slyly. She laughed.
Mom: "We might hold off in telling your father and your brothers about him though. I don't think they'll be happy about you getting a boyfriend as I am."
Me: "Got it. My lips are sealed." I said sealing my lips.
Mom: "Good girl."
Me: "Okay mommy dearest, it's time for me to go pack. I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow."
Mom: "Oh your performance."
Me: "Yep." I said getting up.
Mom: "I'm sorry that we can't go with you my baby." I waved her off.
Me: "Just watch me shine on tv, it's fine." I said doing a pose. She laughed.
Mom: "When are you coming back?"
Me: "In about a week." She nodded.
Mom: "Go kick ass!"
Me: "You know it."

Ever since I've decided to be a violinist, traveling from country to country has been my norm. I've performed in Paris a couple of times before so I wasn't that nervous but every show was a bit nerve wrecking especially now that more and more people came to watch me perform. I was going to do a solo and then one performance with the orchestra. Playing violin was not easy but I loved it with my soul. For me every performance was like a dance with my violin. I tuned everything and everyone out and just played. It was just me and my violin. And it was magical...the feeling.

Yonelisa: "Why are you so happy today?"
Me: "I'm always happy." She rolled her eyes.
Yonelisa: "True. But today is more than usual. You're even humming."
Me: "Really?" I said smiling slyly.
Yonelisa: "Yes. Now out with it."
Me: "Out with what?"
Yonelisa: "Don't play with me. Tell me why are you so happy."
Me: "Nothing. I'm just excited about the performance." I said tuning in my violin. She gave me a suspicious look.
Yonelisa: "There's something going on, I can feel it."
Me: "Maybe...or maybe not." She bumped me with her shoulder and I laughed. The conductor clapped his hands and we all got into positions. It was show time.

After signing autographs and taking pictures, I was back in my room at the hotel. I took a shower and with a towel wrapped around me I threw myself on the bed and switched on the tv. I was paging through the channels when something caught my eye on one of the sports channels. It was sports news about a car racing match happening tomorrow here in Paris. I jumped out of bed and screamed when I saw a picture of my one on the screen. Color me purple! He was a race car driver?! I don't know why but it excited me to the core. I threw myself on the bed giggling with my legs in the air. Oh my god! I looked at his picture on the tv. He was mighty fine. Damn. I got more excited and in awe when they showed his previous matches. Even though I didn't understand half of what they were saying, I know they were talking about how good he was. My one was amazing.
Me: "Vuyani." I said to myself, testing out his name on my lips. I giggled. "Vuyani." I giggled again squealing. Him being a race car driver was unexpected but still fitting at the same time. I quickly wrote down where the match was going to be. Luckily it was not too far from where I was and I also had no performance tomorrow until late in the evening so I could go and watch. I quickly searched online for tickets and bought one. My one, here I come...

I couldn't believe how packed it was. And I also couldn't believe how loud I was screaming up on the stands. I had to ask one of the people sitting beside me which one was Vuyani's car and when they showed me, I was screaming and jumping up and down like a crazy person. Don't worry, it wasn't embarrassing since I wasn't the only one. The nice man next to me tried to explain a few things to me, like how this is a team match not an independent one. I still wasn't quite sure what was the difference but nonetheless as long as I was cheering for my one's team, I didn't quite care. My one's team was so good, they were in the lead. People kept on cheering "Viking" which was what Vuyani was called in the racing world. Since this was my first time watching a car racing match, everything was overwhelming in an exhilarating way. The sound of the cars and the vibe of everything including the people watching was just out of this world. I honestly didn't know this kind of world existed. And I got to experience it because of my one.

After the match, I saw him talking to the cameras as they asked him many questions. He was looking like a snack in his sports gear. It was black and red which suited him just fine. Among his team members, he was the tallest and the manliest. But don't trust me, I might be bias. As the people left the stadium, I went towards the racetrack but was stopped by the securities. When I asked how I can get to where the teams and cars were I was directed but told I would need a pass to get through. I thought I should try my luck. I had a good feeling.

Security: "Sorry Mam' this is a restricted area. You need a pass to enter."
Me: "But I need to go in. My boyfriend Viking is in there waiting for me."
Security: "I'm sorry Mam', I still can't let you through without a pass. It's better to call him to come fetch you." I pouted and sighed backing away. Was this the time where my feeling was going to be wrong, for the first time? But it can't be. As I walked away dejectedly a man suddenly blocked my path.
Him: "Sorry, did you say Viking was your boyfriend?" I nodded. "For real?" He said looking surprised and happy.
Me: "Yes." I know I was lying but he was going to be my boyfriend anyhow. Tomato tomahto.
Him: "Oh man this is good!" He said happily. "I'm Andile aka Ace, his friend." He said offering me his hand to shake. I shook it smiling. I had a good feeling about him.
Me: "I'm Isiqhamo but you can call me Isi."
Andile: "Great. Isi. Nice to meet you."
Me: "You too."
Andile: "Come, I'll take you inside to see my man. I'm sure he'll be happy to see his girlfriend who came all the way to Paris to watch his match since no one usually comes but me." He said throwing his arm over my shoulders and leading me back to where the securities had refused to let me pass. "Man I can't believe Vi didn't tell me about you. I mean I'm his bestie, so I should know when he finally decides to get himself a girl." I giggled nervously. "Do you know how long I've been on his ass about getting himself a girl?" I shook my head. He laughed. "For a long ass time, let me tell you. But I guess he wanted to do it in his own time. Fucken Vi." He laughed. He showed his pass to the securities and they let us in.

My one, here I come....

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