Chapter 12

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Chairman: "I heard from Celia that you won't be taking part in some of the events that the company will have because of the new project you've taken on." I nodded.
Me: "Yes. I'm sorry Chairman." He clicked his tongue.
Chairman: "There's nothing to apologize for. It's a great opportunity for you and anyway you're way too big for our small time company. We're lucky that you're still signing under us."
Me: "Don't say that Chairman. I like working for the company. You guys are my family. I'll never leave you guys." He patted my hand smiling.
Chairman: "You're a good girl with a good head on her shoulders. It's just that I'm worried that you're taking in way too much for your age. You should leave out time to go and have fun. A lot of girls your age are out there shaking what their mommas gave them and having a blast." I laughed snorting.
Me: "I can't believe you said that." He chuckled.
Chairman: "I might be old but I'm clued in about these things." I nodded smiling. "So please make sure to go out and do what others are busy doing at your age. Don't miss out on anything. Don't always think about performances and making compositions. You will tire out. You hear me?"
Me: "I hear you Chairman." He nodded.
Chairman: "And what did I say about you calling me Chairman." I giggled.
Me: "Oh sorry." I covered my mouth. "I meant, I hear you old man." He gave me a look. I laughed.
Chairman: "Calling me old man like I don't know I'm old." He muttered. I smiled. "I heard through a grapevine that you got yourself a young lad." I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Just come out and say it old man. You heard from Yonelisa." He chuckled.
Chairman: "Ask no questions, hear no lies."
Me: "We both know you heard it from her."
Chairman: "So, when am I meeting this young lad?"
Me: "You've met him already." He frowned.
Chairman: "I did? When?"
Me: "At the celebration dinner." He thought for a moment.
Chairman: "Ohhhh. I remember those two lads. Which one is my future grandson in law?" I smiled.
Me: "The tall and handsome one that was wearing a race car jacket."
Chairman: "Oh I remember. The one who sat next to you and couldn't keep his eyes off you." I smiled.
Me: "You saw?"
Chairman: "Any blind man could see. Every time you weren't looking, he would sneak peek at you." I laughed.
Me: "He thought he was being smooth. He's cute like that." He chuckled.
Chairman: "Don't blame him though. My granddaughter is a beauty." I hugged his arm smiling.
Me: "Aww old man. I love you." He gave my hand a pat.
Chairman: "We should have dinner with him at the house. Cynthia would also like to meet him, I know."
Me: "Okay, I'll call Cynthia and set it up with her."
Chairman: "How come you can call my wife Cynthia but you call me old man?"
Me: "Because you're old and Cynthia is Cynthia." He grumbled.
Chairman: "Okay, I have to go child. Take good care of yourself and if you need anything at all, call me anytime." I nodded. "I mean it." I smiled.
Me: "I know. See you old man. Careful not to break too many bones on your way out."
Chairman: "You little heathen." He shook his head chuckling as he walked away.

Jacques: "So how do you feel about these compositions?"
Me: "There's a lot of Brahms compositions."
Jacques: "That's because you like Brahms."
Me: "I do, especially F-A-E Sonata and Cradle." He nodded smiling.
Jacques: "Thank goodness I included them on the list then." I nodded looking at the list. "We will add a few of my piano works and your very own compositions to balance it out." I whistled.
Me: "Which means we have a lot of work to cut out for us."
Jacques: "Tell me about it. And the concert is in 6 months."
Me: "But most of these compositions are ones I can play already, it's just that we'll need to practice playing them together." He nodded agreeing.
Jacques: "But I'm not worried at all. We'll be great together. I mean we already have chemistry." I laughed.
Me: "Chemistry is a good thing."
Jacques: "So for the concert, we're expecting big numbers since it's going to be in Italy in one of the biggest theaters, Teatro alla Scala. Tickets are almost sold out already and we haven't even started preparing." He chuckled.
Me: "Did you say Teatro alla Scala? Oh my god! It's been my dream to perform there before I die."
Jacques: "And now your dream is coming true in a few months."
Me: "Wow! I'm so psyched!" He chuckled.
Jacques: "There's an orchestra from Italy, quite famous, that will be joining us. 2 months before the concert you'll meet them."
Me: "Cool." He smiled.
Jacques: "Okay then. Shall we begin?"
Me: "We shall."

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